EvansFTP (EvansFTP.ocx) Remote Insecure Methods Exploit
来源:h4ck-y0u.org 作者:t0pP8uZz 发布时间:2008-05-09
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- EvansFTP (EvansFTP.ocx) Remote Insecure Methods Exploit - Author: t0pP8uZz Homepage: h4ck-y0u.org / milw0rm.com Description: ActiveX Remote Insecure Report: Tested on Microsoft Windows XP Pro (SP2 ) Internet Explorer 7 Fully Patched ActiveX: http://www.evansprogramming.com/evansftp.asp The Following Material Is For Educational Purposes Only - I will not be held responsable for any illegal actions. InternetExplorer can Initialise this ActiveX control, And take advantage of its functions. Included in this exploit (POC) is a peice of javascript code lauching the ActiveX control, and executing one of its functions. the function being About() all this will do is lauch a friendly, harmless dialog box, therefore being the perfect POC. - EvansFTP.ocx - About Displays the Evans FTP control About Dialog. CancelTransfer Cancels in-progress file and data connection transfers. Connect Opens a connection to the remote FTP server and starts a new session thread (logs in). DeleteFile Deletes file(s) from a remote servers directory. Disconnect Disconnects an FTP session (logs out). Execute Executes a remote FTP server command. GetDirectory Returns a list of directory information from the remote server. GetFile Transfers files from a remote FTP server to a local PC. MakePath Creates a path on the remote server. MakePath can create multiple nested subdirectories with a single command. MkDir Creates a folder on the remote FTP server. Ping Tests if a remote server is responding. PutFile Transfers files from the local PC to a remote FTP server. RenameFile Renames a file on the remote FTP server. RmDir Removes a directory from the remote FTP server. WriteToConnection This method writes to an open data connection such as would be required to execute an ftp command like APPE. Peace.
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